Pavel Kubal

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since Mar 13, 2004
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Hi there, I just would like thank you guys for sharing this info. You saved me few bucks in OCEJWS and will probably save more. Without javaranch I would not know about this :-)

Thanks Frits,

as I have experience with all Java certs I think that JWS is the hardest - lots of XML based specs. And without any exaggeration I think that I would not be able to do it without Enthuware. Keep working on it ;-)

Hi guys,

today I cleared OCE JWS with 87% and I'd like to share my experience.

Two months ago I've made a bet with my friend that we'll clear it in two months, so that was my preparation time (although not even close everyday study).
I followed the exam guide from JavaRanch - two books - WebServices Up and Running, Ivan Kriszan Study Guide in this order. If you can take very detailed guide from start you can begin with Ivan's book.

I was practicing using enthuware - everytime I didn't know the answer I studied that topic again. I didn't go through all test and when it comes to complete tests I did only test 1 and last day test (yesterday) with 96%.

First 15 questions didn't seem very familiar and I thought WHAT THE HELL?! But soon began the questions that resemble enthuware.

There was one question that surprised me very much. Something like "MTOM allows to save X percent of traffic in comparison with XML". I didn't know that MTOM saves anything :-)

P.S.: This was my last missing java exam, so now I have them all (but most of them from good old Sun) :-D

There are no prerequisities.

Jean-François Morin wrote:Yes, of course, that's what I expect. I was thinking about bringing and using personal notes rather as a reminder, sort of a "memory helper," to avoid forgetting any point I may have noticed while working on my assignment.

But if I'm not allowed to use any notes of mine, then thanks for the info, I will take that into consideration while finishing my assignment and getting ready for the ultimate exam.


You are allowed to make notes during the exam on provided sheet that you cannot take home. That's all.
Aren't you overcomplicating such a simple thing? When I wanted to emphasise specific design pattern in my assignment I just used stereotype and that's all.

Rajiv Shr wrote:Thanks Arpit. One more question -

Is it ok to call out specific hardware and application server you are using. Eg: I want to use F5 Big IP for load balancing and Websphere application server as my web/app server. Further, I am using IBM QREP for replication of data between data centers which have IBM DB2 databases.

If I use IBM, will that offend Sun examiners ?

I can't tell if you could offend Sun examiners, but I've specified specific Sun hardware servers. In the software part I suggested use of Oracle database because this and that....

So the answer is "Why no?" :-) I wouldn't be affraid to mention specific technologies, but do not go too deep.
I didn't specify version of JSF in my assignment and did not specify usage of AJAX either. To me, this assignment seems too high level to include version of the JSF.
Well, what's the use of the badge anyway? I have five of them (SCJA, SCJP, SCWCD, SCJD, SCBCD) and I have no idea what to do with them. They're attached to my cork board and I'm really grateful, that when the SCEA certificate came they didn't waste money on such a childisch item :-)

P.S. : They could have saved the money on that plastic card - I have seven of them, so I could open a wholesale trade :-)
Well, actually this is pretty simple. Your system should be designed to allow horizontal scalability. And most of the Java EE applications do. When load increases, you add more application servers to handle the load and load balancing takes care of distribution of the load (if you use session EJBs, you have that functionality out of the box). Withe horizontal scalability, you have to consider all thigs that come with it - for instance distributed transactions (if you're gonna use them), session state synchronization etc.

Another thing is scalability of the database as long as database could be (and it often is) major problem or bottleneck. Here you can consider scalability options of the well known database systems - for instance Oracle has the RAC.

I hope this helps.
What would you do, if it was a real life scenario and you couldn't ask the customer for any additional information?

The answer for this question is answer for your question.
Well, truth be told, you cannot specify any design suggestion that leads to the exactly specified times. But you certainly can specify design choices, that lead to better scalability and faster processing. An example is worth more than thousands of explanations:

High scalable systems with low response times usually use some kind of asynchronous processing. For instance, when user clicks a button (for instance makes an order) in the web application a message is created and sent for asynchronous processing. The web application can immediately continue, because it doesn't have to wait for the request to be processed (that is where MDBs play they part). When system load increases, messages spend more time in the queue, but users won't notice anything, because webapp doesn't get slown down. This is simple but crucial design choice, that enabled high load sites like LinkedIn to even function.

Think about it this way.
Dear Anurag,

please read the FAQ

and good luck next time
Of course not! Getters and setters are platitude in entities