I've not yet found a comprehensive site for this...and I have looked! A great article is
The History of Web Services, though it's a little out of date. I emailed the author and asked him if he was aware of an updated article or information source and he was not.
As far as learning what standards are hot/popular, it comes down to personal judgement and experience. It's hard to come up with general rules, even. E.g., just because a standard is by the W3C doesn't mean it's generally accepted and will be used. The same goes for consortia like OASIS. For example, OASIS has backed two (sets of) transaction standards (BTP and WS-CAF), but another set (WS-Coordination, WS-AtomicTransaction, WS-BusinessActivity), written by IBM, Microsoft and BEA appears to be gaining more ground in terms of useability.
I reckon It's fair to say that the Basic Profile is accepted by everyone. Beyond that, though, it gets tough. WS-Addressing, the Basic Security Profile and the WS-Policy standards appear to be heading for common acceptance, but this is only a hunch of mine.