You can find the number of open cursors avaliable per user in Oracle with this SQL:
select * from v$parameter
where name = 'open_cursors'
Check this, make sure the DB is not set to allow a too small value for your application. If you need more, the number is defined in INITSID.ORA.
You probably want check who's opening the cursors, and if they are closing them. You can do this, but I can't remember the SQL - sorry - have a glance at the documentation there is a way to do it.
Also its not the ResultSet which opens the cursor as such, but the Statement. Make sure you are closing this, which will release any JDBC resources that are being used.
(BTW: you should really have posted this in the JDBC forum)
[ April 07, 2004: Message edited by: eammon bannon ]