Anil Kollur

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since Mar 25, 2000
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Recent posts by Anil Kollur

By design itself MongoDB would be slower than Oracle as Oracle is a relational database system unlike MongoDB which is a document oriented database.
RDBMS is optimized for quicker search, querying with multiple indexing and primary keys support.
If there is nothing stopping you and only the faster response matters switch to Oracle or similar such RDBMS such as MySQL, SQL-Server etc.
7 years ago
I believe C programming language still fits wide variety of applications including embedded programming, game programming, research and mathematical intensive applications.
Not to forget the vast majority of academic people including students who start 1st lesson in programming - use C programming language.
I don't think in near future it will fade away, the only way it could lose popularity is through  many of the IDE's like Visual Studio etc that readily support C# and other .NET based programming languages.
7 years ago
Your 2nd file name is "log.c" and not "myLog.c" hence enter the correct filename.
You have named the function inside "log.c" and myLog{} and not the file name as such.
The compiler is clearly stating as it cannot find myLog.c file -> instead try with "log.c" and check
12 years ago
Post the code snippet - it might be a confidential or very project specific code, but you can post only the part that does this finding prefix with commenting or removing other parts.
It will definitely help others to see the algorithm/programming technique used.
12 years ago
I would recommend Visual C++/Studio Express edition too!
You can learn a great deal with this.
About books -> think nothing beats "Thinking in C++" by Bruce Eckel.
12 years ago
Just simple plain answer is - It is possible but Hard.
You can use references instead of pointers, but at some point of time you need to jump into pointers world.
12 years ago
To tell in short binary search is done by sorting the given set of objects/things and then dividing the sorted set of objects/ things into two and then comparing the value with the middle one. If the middle one is bigger then you know that searching has to be done in first half otherwise the second half. Like this you go on dividing the sets and so decreasing the group or set of objects. At the end you will get the required thing.
Hi! Anup Great Score and be confident and in UR future works. Try the Developer certification also its great.
22 years ago
HI! Vipin,
CONGRAATS! Great score indeed, so which mock exam do u felt toughest? Wish u all the best in ur future career.
23 years ago
I am visiting this site and writing the reply after a long time. I remember one fellow asking me about the questions that I faced in the examination, I replied him that its bad idea to take short cuts like that and visit this site regularly. Then I got a chilling reply with some bad wordings, no problem. But Shailesh u r doing real good work. Thanx
23 years ago
Hi! Jane,
Good to hear that u r SCJP2 now, great and hope u will continue to be a bartender.
24 years ago
Can anyone explain(in brief) about the Security and cryptography that r used in java? and how far is it effective in online transactions like credit card, banking etc.
Thanx in advance
24 years ago
Hi! All,
Want more information about JIT please see this link
24 years ago
Hi! Shanmugam,
Congrats and good score indeed, all the best for ur future Java assignments.

Graaaasp the Concepts and Graaaab SCJP. :Anil Kollur:
24 years ago