satheesh krishnaswamy

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Recent posts by satheesh krishnaswamy


If the project is really short 2-3 months, then ofcourse Software Architect has to do Technical Lead Role once he completes the design. He can setup Code Review tools like PMD ,etc for his project,review the Code done by developers w.r.t to the design that you made, help the developers in fixing the technical issues, if any, etc....

As Jonathan pointed out it depends on the Company's policy that you work. In Some company they will ask the Architect to move to the next project even.

If you want to know the complete Roles and responsibilities of an Architect, Please read the Book " J2EE Architects Handbook" which is very useful.

Many thanks,

I agree to your point. The Quesiton is little tricky here. From what I get from the question is if we want to use messaging which type we will use. The answer should be obviously "Synchronous". But if the question is put in a different way(may be much clear way) then we should choose "We should not use messaging".

I presume these kind of confusing questions will not be asked in the real exam.

Anyone who has cleared the test, can you please help us?


I assume you mean "Detailed Design" as "Low Level Design". Yes, I've done it in several projects.

I usually deliver the Class Diagrams,Sequence Diagrams and Activity Diagrams in the Detailed Design while I deliver the Deployment Diagram,Component Diagram etc as part of High Level Design Document.

In Detailed Design, I first identify the list of Classes and interfaces first, try to apply OOAD principles to it and finally arrive at the list of Classes and interfaces.
then prepare the sequence diagram w.r.t to the use case document and the class diagrams. With Sequence diagram we can fully verify whether the user's requirement is met or not.

Activity Diagram will help the developers very much when they do the actual coding to understand the flow of the use case or business.

Hope this helps!!!

Sorry if this is a wrong forum to post the Log 4J issue. I couldn't find a appropriate one. Hence am posting here.

My question is

My is like this:-

and in the java file, I am first instantiating the logger like this:-

static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("com.test.emp");

and when I use logger.debug statement the statements are printing multiple times.

i.e when the same statement is first invoked it is printing one time. the next time, it is printing two times and so on.

I googled out and find to see that if I include

log4j.additivity.rootLogger=false in, then it will fix this issue.

But to my surprise it is not printing at all now.

Can someone please help?

in my Hibernate Class

Hibernate config.xml

and in the ApplVrsn.hbm.xml

and the ApplVrsn, I've teh following attributes:-

When I run this, I am getting the following error:-

org.hibernate.hql.ast.QuerySyntaxException: ApplVrsn is not mapped

When I testthe code in WAS on windows, it is working fine. But when I depoy in z/OS and test it it is not wroking and giving this error.

Can someone please help me?

Thanks in advance.

Will someone let me know How to connect to a IBM MQ Series 6.0 in z/OS using WSAD 6.1.

The Queues were configured in IBM MQ Series 6.0 on z/OS and I have WSAD 6.1 running in z/OS. Shall I use WSAD Administrtive console to configure the queues that will post message in MQ Series on 6.0 on z/OS?

I dont need to install seperately Websphere MQ on z/Os in my machine right?

Please confirm.
16 years ago

Can someone let me know how do we connect to a queue and post a message in the queue configured in IBM MQ Series(on Mainframe) in z/Os.

16 years ago

Thanks for your quick response.

Can you let me know what InitialContextFactory and ProviderURL that I should give if I use JMS code.

Please note I do not configure JNDI using JMSAdmin tool.

I use Websphere Application Server on z/OS.Please suggest the intitial context factory adn providerurl suitably.

16 years ago

I am novice in using websphere MQ 6.0 in Z/OS.

We've the queues and queue managers configured in Z/OS.

I need to write a JMS code to put messages in the queues that were configured in Z/OS which CICS program(in Mainframe) will read it.

Is it possible to achieve this using JMS or do I need to depend on
WebSphere MQ base Java classes?

Please advice which one is a better approach.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago

Thanks for your immedieate response.I am sorry that I did not understand completely what you said.

Can you please provide some code snippets?

Actually I need to construct the whole document in a if loop basically retrieving it from Value objects.
So in the first iteration I will get one xml Document added (Say A) and next B and so on...

Finally I need to frame one single document (Say C).

I did not understand how do I do import?

Thanks in advance.
How can I add the contents of XML DOC 1 into XML DOC 2 to produce something like XML DOC 3?







I am getting the following error:-

org.w3c.dom.DOMException: HIERARCHY_REQUEST_ERR: An attempt was made to insert a node where it is not permitted

Can someone help me in this,Please?

Thanks in advance.
Hi Naren,

Thanks for looking into it.
Here is the WSDL file that is generated by RAD.

16 years ago

I am using RAD and I have the following method:-

I generated WSDL file through RAD and deployed the same.

I am getting the following error message:-

Will someone help me in this,Please?

I am stucked up with this problem since a long time and need some help.

16 years ago

We are using RAD 7.0.0 for our project. We are exposing Stateless Session bean as webservices. The Stateless Session Bean will call the hibernate Utility classes for persistence.
I�ve included all the External Jar�s required for the project.
I've the following entry in file:-
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Class-Path: hibernate3.jar

When I manually deploy the project, it is not able to locate the Jar files required for the project and hence it is throwing the error in the websphere Application server console like this:-

Can someone please help?

16 years ago

I am also looking for such a kind of solution.

Can you please tell me how did you configured MQ using websphere 6.1.
Actually the MQ Series in running in Z/OS machine and the websphere is also running on Z/OS.

Kindly let me know how do I configure the queue Managers, queues etc in Websphere itself.

Alternatively is there any other way for me to configure the queues other than using Websphere server console?

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago