Punit Raizada

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You are probably looking for

> keytool -list -keystore ../lib/security/cacerts

The articles posted in the above reply do provide some detailed information about the certification process.

As a developer, I would like to add a few quikies:

1) There is no magic bullet certificate that is going to place your application in the trusted domain on all the handsets. Know what devices you are aiming for.

2) When possible, go with the Carrier certificate. This is guaranteed to work on their phones atleast.

3) Java verified program is a good initiative and has all my support but the Geotrust cert they attach does not really have value in terms of placing your application in the trusted domain on the devices ( as of 2007). Their device range is bound to increase with time. I would advice to go through the process early on so that your application is tested through their criteria. BUT dont count only on the Geotrust cert they place in your JAD.

That was just my 2 cents.
17 years ago
By Minimize you mean, sending the MIDlet into the background. I believe you can do what you want to do when your MIDlet is in the background.

Check out this article on Sony Ericsson developer forum for more details:

Background MIDlets
17 years ago
Whats the text on the error message ??? You have to be more precise with your problem description to get help.
17 years ago
I would say the problem lies elsewhere.. you seem to be using a sort of screen manager system in your application. Can you check your classes and see where the process method is being called?
17 years ago
If you are a command line junkie then jar -tvf will work too ...
17 years ago
Does Midlet.getPropety("MIDlet-Jar-RSA-SHA1") work ?
17 years ago

If you can give us more info on what you are doing in your code and what packages etc you are trying to access, it will be helpful to find out what could be going wrong.

There is no one reason for a App to crash the phone.

Also, have you been able to locate any module of your code where the crash is occuring?? posting your code would make it easy to troubleshoot.
17 years ago
By any chance are you using the PIM package in your application?

Invoking a Class from a package not present on the phone should throw a Class Not Found exception but I have seen the app crash when you access PIM on some phones.
[ February 13, 2007: Message edited by: Punit Raizada ]
17 years ago
How are you playing the file ? Using MMAPI ? in this case you can check the supported video formats on the device and see if 3gp is supported.

The other option is using MIDlet.platformRequest() that should launch the Real player on the devices. If your file is on a remote server then just call the platformRequest method with the location of the file and the browser will launch the associated content handler if available.
17 years ago
I am not sure if I got your question correctly. On the device, you will need to include the video file within your Jar file unless your code is catered to the File System JSR.

If your phone supports JSR 135 then try accessing the camera using VideoControl and get snapshots from that.
17 years ago
Its funny... Never really thought about the advantages... was a bit frustated by this myself but then moved on and implemented the reading logic the way its done in the tutorials available.
18 years ago
Since you mention that you want to update the dictionary data, I do not think having a csv within the JAR is such a good idea. In this case I would go for an RMS. I am not sure of how to go about updating a file in the JAR (I believe the FileConnection API should be of help) so please do post if this is possible.

If you go for the File in JAR approach then the best way is to read resource as stream and then have a wrapper class that does all the enumeration for you.

RMS does have a size limitation but you have the advantage of updating the data etc.
18 years ago
Guys, just interested in knowing how many phones out there support voice recording. Is thte number on a steady increase ?
18 years ago
What phone are you using? A series 40 ?
18 years ago