Regis Santos

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since Mar 23, 2004
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Recent posts by Regis Santos


Since Google had adopted Python as first language to develop applications for the Google App Engine (GAE), I have heard a lot about the power of Python.

In your opinion, is Python a good language to develop applications in the cloud? Is there a special characteristic in the language that can extract the maximum of the cloud, like concurrence, in a easy way?


Regis Santos
12 years ago

I would like to know which is the audience of the book. Is it for begginers or advanced Python programmers?


Regis Santos
12 years ago
Hello Celinio Fernandes.

Can you please post the answer? Which kind of fix did you made on login-config.xml? I'm stuck in a similar problem.


Regis Santos
13 years ago
Hello Barcia,

Can you tell me what is the best strategy for transactions in an enterprise application: CMT or BMT?

I did the following configuration in jbossmq-destinatiions-service.xml

When I started the JBoss, the server binds the queue to "queue/jms/mdb/MyQueue".

How can I remove the "queue/" from the bound JNDI name?

17 years ago
Hi Nico,

What kind of documents are you trying to print?
17 years ago

I'm trying to print to network printers using Java Print Service. I did it with printers that I have installed in my OS. But I want to print documents to printers that aren't installed in my operational system.

The method PrintServiceLookup.lookupPrintServices() returns only the printers that I have configured in my OS. I want to invoke a method where I can set the printer path name that isn't necessarily installed in my system.

Thanks a lot.
[ January 07, 2008: Message edited by: Regis Santos ]
17 years ago
Hello Sachin,

I did as you told me. But I got the following exception when the servlet tried to find the local EJB via JNDI.

I tried to change the JNDI name for
but it wasn't work, too.

These are my deployment descriptors:





FYI: the EJB module and the WAR are in the same EAR.

17 years ago

You can use an Stateless SessionBean which has the following home and remote interfaces:

(put these interfaces in your ejb-jar.xml)

You'll have to implement the methods start() and stop(). Theses methods must be public, no value as return (void), and no parameters. They will be called when your app starts or stops, of course.

The problem is the portability that will be lost.

An alternative is create a servlet the implements the javax.servlet.ServletContextListener interface. Your servlet will be notified and then you can start the EJB.

17 years ago

How can I access a local EJB from a servlet by its JNDI name when both application are not in the same EAR?

Both application are running in the same server (WebSphere 6.1). But when I invoke the context.lookup() method passing the JNDI name as parameter, I got a NamingExecption.

This is my code:



Error message:

There's no EJB reference binding in the ibm-web-bnd.xmi.

[ December 12, 2007: Message edited by: Regis Santos ]
17 years ago

I have a J2EE application running in a WAS 6.1 Base.

In my application, I have a EJB that its interfaces home and remote are and The EJB implements the methods start() and stop() and these methods are called when the server (or the application) starts or stops.

I don't want to use these interfaces anymore because they're killing the application portability. Does anybody know what I have to do to keep the startup functionality, but decrease the WAS dependency? What alternatives do I have?

17 years ago

I wanto to authenticate users in my web container using a datasource realm, but I would like to keep the passwords encrypted in the database.

Is it possible to do without to have to implement my own realm?

19 years ago

The question 63 (pg 794) in the final mock exam has an error. The line 4 in the JSP file will cause a java.lang.NullPointerException because there is no bean identified by "x".

So, the correct answer is "E".
19 years ago

I passed in the SCWCD exam with 97%.

I've been working with web development since 2004 and my study guide book was Head First Servlets & JSP.

19 years ago

The question 63 (pg 794) in the final mock exam has an error. The line 4 in the JSP file will cause a java.lang.NullPointerException because there is no bean identified by "x".

So, the correct answer is "E".