Sanjaya Sugiarto

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since Mar 25, 2004
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Recent posts by Sanjaya Sugiarto

For your first question about javac.exe:
I assume you are using Windows.
Start >> Settings >> Control panel >> System >> Advanced >> Environment variables.
Look for "Path"
Add <your_path_to_your_jdk>\bin
Use ; as separation.

Defining your classpath:
Still in system variables.
Make a new entry: "CLASSPATH" and add <your_path_to_your_project>

For the question about Netbeans:
What do you mean with "cant declare class"?
Could you please post your here?
myString.replace(" ", "");
18 years ago
Netbeans is an Ant-based IDE.

You cant do exactly like what you did with IntelliJ.

But a workaround:
Right click on the project pane >> Copy or move project >> then you can define the new location. It will be automatically configured and opened.

To copy into another machine, try this: Just copy the project folder and then File >> Open Project then choose the project folder
[ December 20, 2006: Message edited by: Sanjaya Sugiarto ]
It depends on your strategy and planning. Either you stick with one type of certification from the same vendor or you want to be more independent.

The stick-with-cert-vendor strategy: take LPI certification (about 6-7 exams till the advanced level, every 2 exams you get certificate --> fundamental, intermediate, enterprise) or RHCE (total about 6-7 exams, after the first 3-4 exams you get RHCA I think) or Novell Linux Certification (Novell Linux Professional and Novell Linux Engineer). In this field, RHCE is the most respected and most difficult one.

The i-am-not-so-sure strategy: take CompTIA Linux+ (1 exam) than you can decide later if Linux the right one for you to take certification and do the stick-with-cert-vendor strategy
18 years ago
If I understand correctly, you asked an opensource AV.
You should look at ClamAV ( ).
18 years ago
Some reasons:
1. It is non-proprietary
2. It is ISO standard
3. Is is simple enough with basic features that everyone or companies need (supports file transfer, mail, remote logon, etc)
4. It is a robust infrastructure
5. It is cheap
6. Is is developed by DoD (US Department of Defence) back to early days where first "internet" comes
18 years ago
Like it or not, till today, the best desktop OS and user friendliest OS are Mac OSX and Windows (Oh yeah, Vista is a resources hog and a "copycat" of OSX but it is indeed a big leap in windows world and no...technically it is totally different to OSX (speak about .NET3.0, DX 10, etc)...and yes upcomming OSX Leopard will "copy" the Vista theme all-black say who copies who ) ). Anyway, I dont wat to start a religious war or trolls )

For Linux, in my opinion just Novell Linux Desktop 10 is acceptable for end-users. If you want the opensource one than you should look at the SUSE 10.x.

Speaking about Linux and about Hobby OS. You should look at SkyOS ( ) and you will think Linux is developed too slow and get bloated. (--> dont get me wrong...I dont want start a troll and I do use Linux from day-to-day basis ) )
18 years ago
It depends on which Linux you are using...

In the moment see:
[ October 26, 2006: Message edited by: Sanjaya Sugiarto ]
18 years ago
The method you need is insert(int offSet, Object obj).


StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Helo World");
sb.insert(2, new StringBuffer("l")); //inserting as Object from type StringBuffer


StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("Helo World");
sb.insert(2, "l"); //inserting as Object from type String (String is an object)
18 years ago
First of all value 1.6666666666666666666 fits in double.

Second, the JavaDoc of BigDecimal:

Third, how to use BigDecimal:
18 years ago
Yes, it's ok. But you should understand the effect. You hand-over the exceptions to others and it would be like a snow ball. From the design point-of-view, it's ok if you throw the exception in try-catch block to your own exception class, not to general Exception.
18 years ago
To remove the bubble: uncheck "Light bulb for quick assist" under Window >> Preferences >> Java >> Editor
You can adjust it: Window >> Preferences >> Java >> Compiler >> Errors/Warnings
From my experience, the UML 2.0 is more complete (more expressive) so that it allows you to design more detailed (for example the activity and sequence/interaction diagram)

Name diferences:

Very good comparison between UML 1.4 and 2.0:

If you speak German than the article by late Mr Jeckle is a-must-read: