Laojar Chuger

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since Dec 20, 2000
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Recent posts by Laojar Chuger

Not sure what you've got from the test. In a previous project I tried to create a java demon process that invoke tests at specific times and stop/start certain java process. The result was I could not start a new java process by 1). Get runtiome. 2). Invoke a script from runtime. 3). Start new java process from the script.
Later I gave up this attempt as every java process needs a JVM instance. What I tried was acctually try to creat a JVM inside another JVM. So nice to know your test result.
22 years ago
Most of the OOAD methodology is driven by use cases to find the objects first, whereas, methods/functions of the objects are defined by the relationships among the objects. This is what textbooks teach and general recommend. However, we seems forget the top-down method, which has being used for procedure programming. It may be more effective to use top-down method for OOAD as it is an effective and easy way to build a system, just replace procedure with object.
Welcome comments!
I am working a piece of application to do user authentication in which I have to call a native DCE client as no java interface available. My current implementation is to encapsulate all the dce logic inside a C++ object and make this object do the work from jni.
Since this is a typical mission critical process for the application, performance is of critial importance. I am looking for a method to make the C++ object alive. Right now every time a user login, this object is created and deleted inside the jni call. This object creation and destruction is too costing.
Please let me know if you have an idea to make this native object alive.
22 years ago
A very interesting point from .Net documentation is that there is not a language called Java in this world. .Net bounds you not only M$ op system but also M$ server and many other more.
[ February 13, 2002: Message edited by: Laojar Chuger ]
22 years ago
I guess you have no way to do it without sa's help. It would be a different story if it is a jsp.
22 years ago
This is a very interesting feature! What happen if you put a static before final?
23 years ago
Most likely it was an error of wrong class path. Just type set classpath=.; and see what happens.
23 years ago
Do some search with a search engine and you can get a lot on the topics.
Check the GOF book, which is classic and authoritive source for the design pattern.
This is a typical situation for the visitor pattern, which handles when a new functionality is needed. The solution is to create a new class/object for the new functionality. So the answer is B.
The answer is we can use the exec() method of the Runtime class to execute a system call. The method returns a Process instance. With the process the InputStream will give all the inform actually we need.
I see this possiblity but have not tested it.
23 years ago
Sorry! I guess I got the answerv for the question.
23 years ago
I have a command line function to call a mainframe procedure and I need to interface it with Java. Could anybody help at the topic?
My question is how to get return values for a command line function in Unix with JNI.
23 years ago