Amit M Tank

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since Mar 28, 2004
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Recent posts by Amit M Tank

Put your config files in WEB-INF/classes folder
13 years ago
WHat is your EJBHome class? tyy to cast to your EJBHome


I have an MDB that calls a Stateless Session bean , the Stateless session bean has Transaction attribute of Not Supported. The onMessage() of the MDB calls Stateless SB method that takes lot of time to perform. There are no errors thrown in the MDB and Session Bean but the same message gets redelivered to the Queue and is relayed back to the MDB. I did a small POC and I am able to replicate the issue. But I don't have any clue how to fix this issue.

Here is the code of MDB

Here is the code of Stateless Session Bean

So basically it depends on the usage, is that the final conclusion?
from a browser we can make multiple ajax request. So I think that ajax is scalable. If we see website like or igoogle .com, we can see that they are scalable. So its like we can make a call to multiple servers(web services) and get data faster on the client side. igoogle sometimes doesn't scale so much. If you add too many gadgets it becomes slow. But slashdot loads 10 stories per pages and as you go to the end of the page it loads 10 more stores. So it scales perfectly. Any thoughts?
example explaining the usage and the scalability part.
This question just came out as a discussion in the office, not really a homework question for me.

I think that since Ajax is kind of a javascript and there are frameworks like Dojo and Extjs which are higly extensible, so I think that ajax is scalable to some extent. I don't have much exposure to Ajax/Javascript myself, I am mostly a backend server side programmer.
Is Ajax scaleable? Why or why not? Please provide examples/code if possible.

Here is the Action Class

When I do the System out it shows me the correct result(the one I want), but on the browser it sends me the same page for all diff "id"

Here is the jspx file which displays the page

Here is the Struts.xml file

15 years ago
Hi Friends,

I am not sure what could be the problem with this app. But same app works fine in weblogic. it might be a problem with Struts2 on Tomcat.

I have a simple webapp that provides user profile data to the user. The request parameter is the profile id that gets passed to the struts2 action which reads the data from the MYSQL server and sends it back to the browser using a jspx files.

When I invoke the url with param id=0 it works fine.


but when I invoke it with param=1 it sends me back the data for param=0 in the browser.

When I restart tomcat and invoke url with param id=1 then it provides correct result. I put logs in the action file after and it prints correct(expected) results all the time, but it shows wrong result on the browser.

I deployed the same app on weblogic10.3 and it works fine all the time.

15 years ago
I do not use any Servlet, I use Strtus2 action class( that internally uses some Filter to forward request to Action class). I developed this application first on weblogic and it works fine everytime. The I started to deploy it in tomcat and it gives me this issue everytime.

15 years ago
Hi Friends,

I am not sure what could be the problem with this app. But same app works fine in weblogic.

I have a simple webapp that provides user profile data to the user. The request parameter is the profile id that gets passed to the struts2 action which reads the data from the MYSQL server and sends it back to the browser using a jspx files.

When I invoke the url with param id=0 it works fine.


but when I invoke it with param=1 it sends me back the data for param=0 in the browser.

When I restart tomcat and invoke url with param id=1 then it provides correct result. I put logs in the action file after and it prints correct(expected) results all the time, but it shows wrong result on the browser.

I deployed the same app on weblogic10.3 and it works fine all the time.

Will appreciate any tips and ideas provided.

15 years ago
Buy RIL,ONGC, BHARTi, NTPC and ITC at dips
16 years ago
Check the descriptor for "JSPPage Check Secs" make it as 10s for dev env
16 years ago

On our system, what I normally do is to stop the server with the cache that needs to be flushed, then delete the tmp and cache directories of the server

Thats the way to go. You can integrate this with your ANT build file just to avoid the manual stop, delete and restart.

16 years ago