Rushabh Shah

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since Mar 29, 2004
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Omar Al Kababji wrote:Arrays are special in Java, they are a bit twisted because of performance reasons, the same as having primitive types which are not 100% OO. sometimes you need to compromise between two things, OO and performance.

Take another example far from java, in theory a DB must be normalized however in real life sometimes you have to ignore normalization for performance reasons.

I get that, but a getter for length would not have affected performance in any means. Like we have for String.

How do you get the no. of elements in an Array. array.length, length is a variable of Array class? And surprisingly its a public variable, violating one of the paradigms of OO, Encapsulation. Though you cannot tamper with its value since its marked final.

Why the Java guys chose to expose variable instead of a length() method (like String) ?

Jesper Young wrote:It has been changed recently, and you can regard Sun's website as an authoritative source.

If Sun's website is not authoritative enough for you, then you could contact Sun Training and ask them about it. (If you do, please let us know what they said).

Not that its not authoritative but i read couple of threads where people were asked 72 Qs.

I did call them and it seems concerned person is not available, they will call back

Nitish Bangera wrote:Still it won't work as you are making the overridden method access modifier more restrictive(from protected or public to default)

not really... its default only... like the one in parent

Nitish Bangera wrote:Yeah even though the class is visible(can extend or create instances), the member method is not visible outside the package. Also even if it was visible(public or protected), your code will not compile as you have not overridden the abstract method.

Nitish my bad, about me() method was not intended. Have rectified & put up the original code. Just that used me() for testing locally

Jesper Young wrote:Please use code tags instead of quote tags for source code.

My bad. Fixed it.
While trying out some stuff for examination, came across a scenario which defeats the public keyword to a certain extent. My 2 cents, check out the following code

Well not sure how everybody would have guessed it but for the first time i wud hv thot it prints Hi. But actually the code doesn't compile, as the abstract method is default.

well i did go through it but... din find anything conclusive or concrete.

if some1 can put up authoritative source would be great !


I am a bit confused about the no. of questions that will feature in exam and what exactly is the passing percentage.

K & B book says the exam has 72 questions whereas Sun Site says its 60.

Also what exactly is the passing percentage.

Please assist

ooopsss.... its 31st May 2006
Voucher expires on 21th May 2006.

Cost : i dont mind giving it at discounted price.

I had purchased Sun Certification voucher for Java [310 series].
Am not able to take up the exam and hence would like to sell it.

Please contact me if anyone is interested.

I am based in Mumbai, India.
Contact me on +91-9820075510
Email: [email protected]


18 years ago

I had purchased Sun Certification voucher for Java [310 series].
Am not able to take up the exam and hence would like to sell it.

Please contact me if anyone is interested.

I am based in Mumbai, India.
Contact me on +91-9820075510
Email: [email protected]


Congrats! good going buddy!
well done!
19 years ago
hi Rashmi...
first of all Congrats!
well i had some doubt if u can help me.. plz
i m a student in the last semester of IT course
i cleared SCJP 1.4 in march '04 now i cannot make my mind as wht shud i do next? i mean SCJD/OOAD-UML/SCWCD?
i sunno anythin abt JSP (SCWCD) but hv dun UML as a part of subject(OOAD-UML)... and have so REAL LIFE experience on as Java a developer (SCJD).
So i m in trouble as to wht do i do nxt?
help will be appreciated.
[email protected]
Rushabh Shah
20 years ago