Omar Al Kababji wrote:Arrays are special in Java, they are a bit twisted because of performance reasons, the same as having primitive types which are not 100% OO. sometimes you need to compromise between two things, OO and performance.
Take another example far from java, in theory a DB must be normalized however in real life sometimes you have to ignore normalization for performance reasons.
Jesper Young wrote:It has been changed recently, and you can regard Sun's website as an authoritative source.
If Sun's website is not authoritative enough for you, then you could contact Sun Training and ask them about it. (If you do, please let us know what they said).
Nitish Bangera wrote:Still it won't work as you are making the overridden method access modifier more restrictive(from protected or public to default)
Nitish Bangera wrote:Yeah even though the class is visible(can extend or create instances), the member method is not visible outside the package. Also even if it was visible(public or protected), your code will not compile as you have not overridden the abstract method.