sateesh lg

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since Mar 29, 2004
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Hi Kyle,
Thanks for the response. I am using Websphere Application Studio Developer 4.0.3, DB2 connect 7.2. The database resides on OS/390. Is there any specific setting that needs to be done for Db2 connect to support 2 phase commit? I am using a DB2XADatasource class to get the connection and it is JTS enabled. Is there any need of transaction processing monitor to be installed either on the workstation or the database (OS/390 - DB2)
20 years ago
I am getting the below error in a 2 phase commit transaction. I am using Websphere MQ 5.3 and DB2 Connect 7.2. Can someone please help? Are there any specific settings required for 2 phase commit. My datasource is JTA enabled, EJB is container managed and the transaction type is required
-------- [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2] SQL30090N Operation invalid for application execution environment. Reason code = "1". SQLSTATE=25000
20 years ago