sai kumar

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since Mar 31, 2004
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We are using the action mapping in struts config file to do a redirect.

The code snippet is like:

<forward name="changeLanguage" redirect="true" path="/" />

The redirect works fine but it is a temporary redirect (302).

We would like to change this to a permanent redirect (301). Do we have an option to configure that in the struts-config.xml.

Your reply will be appreciated.

15 years ago
It seems like the webservices.jar that is being used at runtime in my dev environment is different from the one on my local.
I am packaging the webservices.jar in my EAR, but still not sure why it is referring to the server runtime library.
Can anyone give any advice or suggestions as to how to resovle this.

17 years ago
can someone please respond?
has anyone come across such an error?

17 years ago
Hi all,

I have created a webservice client using RAD 6.0. Webservice client generation tool. I used Java Proxy as Client Proxy Type and custom namespace mappings. The wierd thing is when I was trying to test the webservice in my test env. it fails while it works in RAD 6.0.

I would really appreciate any kind of help / advice.

Here is the error log:
17 years ago
Hi MZ,

I am interested in your WSD Guide and WSSD Quiz.
Can you please email/pm me.

I really appreciate your work.

I agree with you nick. I think I was toooo eager to know.

Feel a lil bit bad after reading ur message.

19 years ago
I got my score. I got 90%

I called the prometric candidate department and asked the rep for my score. I recieved it my e-mail today.

Good luck all
19 years ago
I got mine.

But how can I find my score.

19 years ago
Hi folks,

I have recieved the certification kit, but I did not recieve my score. I have checked in CertManager, Prometric,
but I couldn't find my score in any of these websites.

How can I know my score, can someone help.

19 years ago
Same with me.

I have other results but SCJA.

Anyone who knows the score, can you tell us how can we know our score?

19 years ago

Did you hear anything from prometric.

19 years ago
Hi Nick,

Thats a very good company policy. I feel human inertia is so much that when there is no pressure, we would never move.

Good for company and also it's resources.

Just curious, did anyone experience a mismatch in the result in prometric and I7 database for Tiger Beta??

19 years ago
Thx Evelyn, for giving us an update.

I wish prometric result is true in my case. Does any one know about the pass percentage???

My curiosity has been increasing as I come closer to the result date.

19 years ago

What is the purpose of having an abstract class with out having any abstract methods?

In object-oriented programming, you may want to model an abstract concept without being able to create an instance of it. For example, the Number class represents the abstract concept of numbers. It makes sense to model numbers, but it doesn't make sense to create a generic number object. Instead, the Number class makes sense only as a superclass to such classes as Integer and Float, both of which implement specific kinds of numbers. A class such as Number, which represents an abstract concept and should not be instantiated, is called an abstract class. An abstract class can only be subclassed.

19 years ago