Baskaran Vengesanam

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since Apr 02, 2004
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Recent posts by Baskaran Vengesanam

Vector is thread safe, and synchronization causes a little peroformance hit.
And, for mock exams.
I cann't tell you more but, just passed the SCBCD exam Today. Got to be in it to believe it.
Good Luck.
I just passed SCBCD with 81% (could have done better). Road map to pass the exam --> Read HFEJB book twice, take mock exams from JDiscuss as many times as you feel comfortable with EJB, spend good amount of time on JavaRanch EJB discussion.
Thank you every one..!
20 years ago
In SFSB, the following methods ejbCreate, ejbActivate, ejbPassivate, ejbRemove have access to security context, which allows them to have access to another beans method or resource manager (although methods run in "unspecified Tr context"... read the lines in Spec carefully, it uses the key word 'OR').
Hope, this answers to your question.
The reason because SFSB's ejbCreate(), ejbRemove(), ejbActivate(), ejbPassivate() methods run in "unspecified transaction context", not in "meaningful transaction context". But it still has "security context" which allows the bean to have access to another EJB or resource manager.
Hope, this answers your question.
I would say, ejbCreate() method is the right place to have "Initialization code", no matter it is for SLSB, SFSB or MDBs. The reason being, you can do anything you need to from this method, including things you can't do in setSessionContext(). See HFE Page - 195 (point 3).
Hope, this answers your question.
On the way to certification.