Praveen Teegala

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since Apr 03, 2004
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Recent posts by Praveen Teegala

How do we get full file path from the FileForm component in Struts upload.
Acutal requirement is that ,
in the file browser component, the user may select a file or he may paste and external link like etc..,

How do we get the value that is in the input in the File Browser component as it is?

Any help, is highly appreciated.
19 years ago
Hi All,

The above is search url on for Japanese words (ファイナンス 電話帳 ).

The problem is,
How do I decode the Japanese keywords from the above URL.

Any help, is highly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.
20 years ago
Shrikanth Ji,
Thanks for your reply.
Regretably, my problem is still not solved.
The source generated by the First Option, you mentioned.
<img src="/Level4/images/<%= imageName %>.JPG" alt="image not found">
What I am doing wrong here.? Why is "<%= imageName %>" not being processed.?
I still did not try the second option, you gave. I will try and get back.
Thank you,
20 years ago
<html:img page='/images/3.JPG' alt="image not found" />
In the place of 3, in the above line, I want to value be written from bean.
my code
<html:img page='/images/<bean:write name="Level4Data" property="sno"/>.JPG' alt="image not found" />
Can somebody, plz drop me a line of code or tell me, where I am going wrong.
Thanks in Advance.
20 years ago
Hi Junilu,
Your suggestion did help me, to think of a work around.
As you said, I did use a submit button to get the functionality I need.
I am checking the value of hidden variable in the FormBean for "Reset" in the validate method and clearing the fields and errors.
Thanks alot.
20 years ago
How can I make reset button to remove displayed validation errors and clear the fields, at the same time.
Now, the reset button, seems to ONLY clear the fields,when there are no
errors displayed, but does not do anything, when errors are being displayed.
Any help..!
20 years ago
Please check if struts-legacy.jar is in you lib, along with other sturts jars.
20 years ago
Can you please give me the link to downloading the war file.
I would like to test it myself first and tell you.
It is not quite clear from the error message, but
1.check if you have this in your struts-config.xml
<plug-in className="org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn">
<set-property property="pathnames" value="/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml,/WEB-INF/validation.xml"/>
<set-property property="stopOnFirstError" value="true"/>
2.<message-resources key="org.apache.struts.action.MESSAGE" parameter="resources.application"/>
20 years ago
Thank you Boyarsky for the reply.
I tried as you said, but it is only populating the select with 1,2,3...etc..,
My properties file is like this.
4=American Samoa
I want to display country names in the select, and also, when I read the selected value in action, I want the country name, not the number for it.
(Now I am again fetching the country for the key(number) from properties)
Is there any way to do it.
Thank you again.
20 years ago
Where ever you want to display the error message in JSP,
add the code like this,
<html:messages id="errorx" property="Error1">
<bean:write name="errorx"/>
where "Error1" is the error that you have added in the
validation method.
Hope this helps.
20 years ago
I am able to populate <html:select> with <html ptions> for which values
come from a properties file.
The problem is
I want to have the display and value for <html ption> the same.
Part of my code in jsp is like this.
<% for(int k = 1;k<226;k++){
<html ption bundle="countries" key='<%= k+"" %>' value='<%= k+""%>'/>
Any help is highly appreciated.
Thank you all.
20 years ago