ramu vempati

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since Apr 05, 2004
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Hi Kripla,

<!---- jsp code starts here -->

String submit = request.getParameter("submit");
String f_name = request.getParameter("fname");
String l_name = request.getParameter("lname");
String selectedOption = request.getParameter("selectOption");
String providedInfo = request.getParameter("text");
if (submit != null)


<jsp:useBean id = "query_db" class="CNGI.NewInsert" scope="session" />
<jsp:setProperty name="query_db" property= "*" />


query_db.enquiry(f_name, l_name);
String first = query_db.firstName;
String last = query_db.lastName;

if ( first == null || last == null )

<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#0000FF"><b>Sorry
there are no records with<font color="#FF0000"> <%= f_name %> <%= l_name %></font>
in the Database.</b></font> <b>

} else

} else if(submit.equals("AdvanceSearch"))
if( selectedOption.equals("None"))
<font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#0000FF">
You have not selected an Option for Advance Search. Please select an Option to search .</font>

} else
query_db.advanceSearch(selectedOption, providedInfo);

Vector data = query_db.getQuery();
session.setAttribute("printer", data);

int size = data.size();
int sizeOfRecord = size/9;

<b> <font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" size="3" color="#0000FF"><u>There
are Total <font color="#FF0000"><%= sizeOfRecord %></font> Records for your

<p align="left">
int i=0;

for(int k=1; k<=sizeOfRecord; k++)
...... ... under this there is code for presentation
Please let me know if u want all the code
Thank You
20 years ago
Hi everyone,
I am new to JSP programming. I have a JSP page where i search database and the result's are displayed on the same page. I am also storing the displayed result in the session for printer friendly display upon user request.
After searching the database if i press the refresh button the number of records displayed on the page are multiplying by the number of refresh button pressed.
Is there any way i can stop the session to append the same results to the output every time press refresh button.
Thank's in advance
Ramu Vempati
20 years ago