S Manch

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since Apr 05, 2004
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Recent posts by S Manch


I am using WSAD 5.1.0 environment. I have a utility project called testcommon(plain JAVA project) in which there are a bunch of utility tags. The tld file is in the META-INF directory.

I have included the testcommon.jar for the project through
1) File/Project-->Properties-->Web Library Projects-->testcommon.jar
2) I have added an entry for the tld/tag library in the web deployment descriptor.
3) Now when I add try to insert the custom tag through the menu option JSP-->Insert Custom, my tld and the tag library shows up. When I do an intellisense in the JSP file all my available tags show up BUT AFTER i include any of my tags

I get a message

JspTranslate: No such tag TestTagHelloWorld in the tag library imported with prefix test.

TestTagHelloWorld is my custom tag...

Am I missing any fixpacks...and stuff like that???

Any help would be greatly appreciated!.
19 years ago
Is it possible to do advanced/complex joins like left/right outer/inner join in EJBQL?

Hello all,

I am just wondering which method is more faster/a better design principle..

The session beans(facades) and the entity beans live in the same JVM, so session beans can use the Local interfaces to call the entity beans, but the problem is that we can't use the Factory/Access beans(that are generated with the remote interfaces).

The Factory/Access beans have a lot of methods that will greatly reduce the developement time(lookups,creates,set/synchxxx methods)..so which is the best methodology to use? To bear the network traffic and use copy helpers / use local interfaces but go through all the setMethods?.

19 years ago

the problem I am facing is that when I move across environment the location of my JNDI server used to lookup up the EJBs change so I have to keep re-waring the ear file across different environments. Is there any way to configure the JNDI server name so that I get the appropriate JNDI server depending on the environment.

I am using WSAD...and I think the problem can be solved by setting up an name/value environment variable in WSAD BUT is there any api that I can read the environment variable out in my servlet/portlet??

19 years ago
try dragon slayer courses by jeff wilson...they r great to start with..STEP BY STEP!

19 years ago
>>. I reduced the size of return HashMap from 15k to 4k and
are you sure that is the problem....

Just reducing the size from .15MB to .4MB works...that is a little hard to believe! I am not sure how u cut the size.. try increasing the size from .4MB to .15 MB in little chunks and see where it breaks! probably you might catch a value that might not be serializable! :-)


most of the findXXX(finder) methods return a java.util.Collection by default!, but I saw that the java.util.Collection is a non-serializable interface(all classes in EJB should be serializable because they travel through the pipe!)....hmm..confused..any explanations?

hmm...I am not sure about Noun Sphere Analysis..but usually they say as a tip....Ur nouns would become classes, their features as attributes and what they do(actions/verbs) as operations.

Hope this helps..the real trick I guess is figuring out the relationships between those classes...

how do you represent a Master/Transaction relationship in a class diagram?
You can make a class singleton by overloading its default constructor to be protected and having a factory class inherit from it. The factory class will have a method that will give you the singleton instance anytime you ask it!
Hope this helps.
there is something called Generics in JAVA 1.5 that will help you do this...

for more info. I had a post earlier titled parameterized classes or try this below url that talks about it.

Does anyone know what is meant by parameterized classes and it would b great if you can give me an example of parameterized classes in JAVA(struts framework example...)
i heard...JBuilder has a refactoring tool...eclipse has a free plugin that would help you refactor..but i didn't see it giving out much..just simple relationships(inheritance and associations)...
>>How can you have the page refresh every few seconds? Would this refresh >>go to the controlling servlet?
there is a meta tag attribute...that would refresh the page every N number of seconds...
If timer is a part of the business rules that guide the application!...then as ilja says "timer should be in the model"....BUT if you expect the input modes to change in the future...then it should be in the controller...there isn't much info. in your original post for me to infer that information...
Bashear wrote:
>>If this application has a "web" version as well as a windows app wouldn't >>the model be the only piece that you wouldn't have to have a separate >>version of?
the above post is a little confusing to me...BUT if you are thinking about having two versions of the model for two modes of input then...if there is any change in the business rules...which there is very often..then you have to change in two places....now if you add other modes of input like a SWING, VC++ front end.. (Timer/Web/Swing/VC++) then you have to have 4 versions of the model....which means more changes...
