Jitin Narang

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since Apr 06, 2004
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I represent Whizlabs Software � a company you may have heard of. I am writing in regard to Whizlabs� new offering that we are planning in the training domain that I look after.

Who we are?
We are an E-Learning company dedicated to provide quality E-Learning Content, Tools and Services. We focus on IT Certification Exam Preparation for individuals and IT Skill Assessment and Enhancement solutions for corporate.

How we want to use your services?
We want your help in creating 1) Content and 2) Recording of Audio sessions with you.

How can you benefit?
Apart from the direct benefit you would also get indirect benefit as our website draws more than 100,000 unique visitors every month. Whizlabs publishes credentials of authors on Whizlabs website and the product itself for which they develop the content. Apart from providing Attractive Remuneration package fairly matching the efforts that the author puts in the development of the content, we invite the author to lead the technology on our website by acting like a moderator for the discussion forum related to that particular certification exam.

What Whizlabs would Gain
We, at Whizlabs, believe in �of the people, by the people, for the people�. Integrity, Relationships, Trust, Commitment, Responsibility and Authenticity are the fundamental values that are at the heart of who we are.

The first and foremost gain is definitely through our Authors who provide us with an ever-increasing knowledge base. From the products, which we develop with the help of our Authors, we undoubtedly generate Revenue. Apart from that Whizlabs gain a positive build in its Brand Value.

Please let us know of your interest in the above proposal at the earliest. I welcome your suggestions and questions and waiting for your reply to take this discussion further.
[ May 04, 2006: Message edited by: Jitin Narang ]
18 years ago
Heartiest Congratulations
18 years ago
Heartiest Congratulations!
18 years ago
Hi SaiPrasad,

We apologize for the inconvenience this issue has caused to you.
Please mail to [email protected] your order details, license number along with the print screen of the problem you are facing. We are looking forward to help you.
Heartiest Congratulations for winning the exam simulator.

I apologize for responding so late.

Please provide us your respective email id's where we can send you license key if you have not already done so.
Hi Ranchers,

We have priced this exam simulator at $89.95 as the sheer amount of efforts required to come up with SCDJWS was much more as compared to other exams such as SCJP/ SCWCD/ SCBCD. In case of SCDJWS our authors went through all the specifications before they could start creating questions for the exam. The amount of time required to go through just relevant specification was no less that 2 months.

I hope this answers the query by KO KO fairly well.
Anyways, let us participate - there are 4 free exam simulators to be won.
[ January 19, 2005: Message edited by: Jitin Narang ]
Hi Friends,

Interim version of the product has already been launched and is availaible for try and buy.

Refer: Whizlabs SCDJWS Exam Simulator
Hi Orija

We are sorry for the inconvenience. Automatic activation at our site is not working right now. I have just checked with my support department and they have confirmed me that UCF has already been sent to you. In case you have any other problem - please mail to us.
Congratulations Vanniarajan!

I am really delighted that whizlabs' product fully met your expectations.
Hi Ratna

If you are not confident and time is a constraint, Online Training can be excellent resourse. Whizlabs focuses on mapping the Training program according to the trainees current knowledge.

For this trainees takes a diagnostic test prior to the first session and then the instructor customizes the training as per trainee's diagnostic report. Each trainee thus contributes towards customization of the training to suit and enhance his/her knowledge. Small batch size (limited to a maximum three participants) makes the training highly penetrative and trainee oriented.
Hi Friends,

Fellow ranchers are quite right, without putting numbers we can't claim that our programs are good. Since our Launch we have contributed to success of 234 SCJP 1.4 Certification aspirants. And if we combine our other trainings (SCWCD 1.3 and SCBCD), the figure is close to 410+.

I hope this answers the query.
Hi MannY Gates,

Please refer to the following page at JavaRanch.
We are indeed running the campaign, please be explicit why do you think that we are not running the campaign and I would be more than willing to help you.

(Name of addressee corrected, I hope - Barry)
[ December 12, 2004: Message edited by: Barry Gaunt ]
Hi Alvin,

Timings for Scheduled Trainings are 8:00-10:00 PM,GMT-6, Central US.

We also offer customized timings suiting the needs of the trainees located at any place according to the convenience of trainees and trainers.