Ram Charan

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since Apr 07, 2004
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Recent posts by Ram Charan

Peter, Thanks. My app is deployed as an EAR and I found out stop() method is under jboss.j2ee, service=EARDeployment,url='MyApp.ear'. I could not find it under j2eeApplications MBean. Is this Mbean I mentioned correct?

Is there a way to programmatically invoke stop?

-Ram Charan
15 years ago

I would like to know if there is an API to start/stop an application (war/ear) in Jboss. I guess this can be done using Jboss JMX management API but I could not find any documentation. The requirement is not to undeploy/deploy the application, we just need to programatically check the status of an application and stop/start it.

Ram Charan
15 years ago
I am using EJB3 persistence using Hibernate in Jboss 4.2.2 and would like to know how to configure the *-ds.xml file to make jboss retry initial connection to Oracle multiple times during startup.
15 years ago
1) We have a bunch of *-ds.xml files in JBOSS that have database passwords in it. How do we encrypt these passwords? If it is not possible, how do we protect these files?
15 years ago
I have an EJB client running in Weblogic for an EJB in JBoss. How do I propagate security credentials to this remote EJB? One method I know is passing user id and password in JNDI using initialContext using Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS and Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL. But this requires using passwords in code. Is there a way to automatically propagate security context across JVMs?
1) Can I return Iterator in an EJB? 2) Generally speaking, it is a good practice to return iterator in a public API?

-Ram charan
I guess I was not clear. I have an ear file with a bunch of MDBs bound to a queue. Is there is programmatic interface using which I can find out the names of these MDBs given the name of the queue? As a sys admin, I want to know what MDBs are running in the app server.
-Ram Charan
Is there an API or some other mechanism using which I can find out a list of MDBs that listen on a JMS Queue/topic in a JBOSS application server?

-Ram Charan
[ March 12, 2008: Message edited by: Ram Charan ]
I need to run two shell scripts in sequece from ANT. The first one sets up some environment variables and the second one uses them to run IDL compiler. Here is the sequence of steps

1) When I login to unix, i will be in csh
2) The fist script should run in ksh and sets up environment variables
3) The second scripts should also run in same ksh and execute IDL compile

I do this from command line and it works.
1) When I login to Unix, I am in csh, so I just change shell by typing sh
2) I run a build.xml (using ant) that runs following.

So, I added an other exec task before the above task to change the shell using this:

But when I run the build.xml, I see that the shell has not changed. My questions are:
1) how do I change unix shells from ANT? I tried invoking a wrapper script that changes the shell and calling it from ANT but it did not work.
2) If there is a way to setup/change environment variables of Unix from ANT, I think my problem is solved.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Ram Charan
16 years ago
Does axis2 support collections as return types and input arguments in webservices? My deployment env is Axis2 + JBoss4.2 + EJB3.
16 years ago
I have created a simple webservice with Axis2, which takes in an object of type Event as an input argument. This Event class has a member called EventType. When I generate code using WSDL2Java tool in axis2, I am unable to figure out how to create and event and set event type in it to the proper enum I want. Here are code fragments:

<xs:complexType name="Event">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eventID" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eventMessage" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eventType" nillable="true" type="ax22:EventType" />
<xs:complexType name="EventType">
<xs:extension base="xs:Enum">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="COMPOSITE_TEST_CREATED_SUCCESSFULLY" nillable="true" type="ax22:EventType" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="COMPOSITE_TEST_START" nillable="true" type="ax22:EventType" />


public class Event implements Serializable
/** Serial UID */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

/** A unique ID for the event */
private String eventID;

/** Event message */
private String eventMessage;

/** The event type */
private EventType eventType;
// I have get and set methods for above here....



public enum EventType implements Serializable

I am able to create the Event object in the web service client. I am unable to figure out how to set the event type in it...

16 years ago
We have an application with a huge codebase with 7-10 modules in it. Some of these modules are J2EE apps, others are J2SE process and others are common & framework modules. As of today, all the code is in a single CVS module with make files to build and package (Solaris packaging). We are looking for ways to modularize this code base and split it into individual modules with dependencies reflecting the architectural relationships. For EX: Module 1 requires Module 3 and 4 etc. Can you guys provide some tips on how to do this? Are there any best practices?

16 years ago