Muks Sam

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since Apr 09, 2004
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and addition to Jan, learning UML will help you in some aspects in becoming J2EE architect.
Howdy Ranchers..

I cleared OCUP-100 exam with 92% yesterday..

I used lot of exam material from UML 2 Certification Guide: Fundamental & Intermediate Exams (The OMG Press) by Tim Weilkiens and Bernd Oestereich. Great book though book expects you to know UML first. So I did my basics from various sites. It took about 2 weeks to prepare. Didn't buy any practice exams available.

Some questions were tricky, well, they has to be otherwise whats the fun

Overall satisfied with results...


- AB
12 years ago
Hi Ivan.

Thanks for ton,

Correct, You identified the problem. only difference was i could identify the problem little early, I wish I had this answer before.

Neverthless, this definitely helped again to remember,

Thanks again

- M
15 years ago

I am using ANT 1.6, JAXB 2.0. jdk1.5.0_19.

While binding the XSD and exploding the XSD, I got below mentioned problem as in figure.

The problem is, after running the ant script, the buildfile should generate the classes and interfaces pertaining to xsd. the ant is generating only classes and not interfaces and /impl classes and folders etc.

Can somebody help me in resoving what exactly is the problem?

Thanks in advance,

- Muks
15 years ago

I am using ANT 1.6, JAXB 2.0. jdk1.5.0_19.

While binding the XSD and exploding the XSD, I got below mentioned problem as in figure. Can somebody help me in resoving what exactly is the problem?

The problem is, after running the ant script, the buildfile should generate the classes and interfaces pertaining to xsd. the ant is generating only classes and not interfaces and /impl classes and folders etc.

Thanks in advance,

- Muks
Hi Fellas,

GA, Gm whatever...

I got a problem. I am using ANT built-in under jwsdp-2.0 with jdk1.5.0_19. When I am running ANT script, JAXB build script is generating the classes according to my XSD but it is not generating the interfaces and IMPL folders. Can anybody help me in figuring out, what could be problem?

Please treat this as urgent.....


- M
15 years ago
Hi Fellas,

GA, Gm whatever...

I got a problem. I am using ANT built-in under jwsdp-2.0 with jdk1.5.0_19. When I am running ANT script, JAXB build script is generating the classes according to my XSD but it is not generating the interfaces and /impl folders. Can anybody help me in figuring out, what could be problem?

Please treat this as urgent.....


- M
15 years ago
Belated happy Birthday to Bryan from me too !!!

Your work really helped so many people around the world !!!

Thanks to you...
Just remove this line from Index.jsp

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">

and you should be ok...
Hi Ranchers,

I have a quick question if somebody can help.

"Which implicit object can access the attributes from the ServletContext?"

1. Server
2. context
3. application
4. Application
5. ServletContext

My sincere request to you is, Please poll your answer and in brief tell me why do you think so and why not other options?


[ June 25, 2008: Message edited by: John Doe ]
Hey Thomas,

Please check below link for more information about getting SCWCD certified.


[ June 24, 2008: Message edited by: Mukul Samak ]
Hi Shashank,

While container shuts down, request listeners, session listeners an finally contextlisteners are expunged. Session tracking cookies are not deleted because they are present on client machine. Cookies generally are sent back and forth from client and received by server (after first request to create). So even if you log off from site or close the browser (virtually away from container) then also in the browsers history, you can find the cookies present.


Hey Gopal,

Guess what, <jsp:root/> is not required. I already had tomvat-apache with me. There is this example under "/jsp-examples/xml/xml.jsp" which has <jsp:root> in it. I simple removed the tag and re-started the server and there it is the same output from xml.jsp without root tag. So it is confirmed that it is not required.

Let me know if you have any queries,


[ June 19, 2008: Message edited by: Mukul Samak ]

Although, I haven't tried any realtime example by coding but I think that <jsp:root/> is not a "must" in below scenes:

1. The request path matches the URL pattern for a web.xml JSP property group declaration with an <is-xml> element set to true. See part two of this series for more on JSP property group declarations.

2. The request path extension is .jspx, unless this extension matches the URL pattern for a JSP property group declaration with an <is-xml> element set to false. In other words, .jspx is the default extension for JSP Documents, but it can be explicitly disabled by a property group declaration.

3. The request path extension is either .jsp or matches a URL pattern for a JSP property group declaration and the root element in the file is <jsp:root>.

Marcus, Pls. have your comments on this.

Please refer following link for ref.

