cassie williams

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since Apr 09, 2004
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Recent posts by cassie williams

hi there,
how do i have a pop up window(JFrame or some sort) upon clicking on a jbutton?
20 years ago
i'm new in java, maybe you can try this?
in actionPerformed method, do
if(e.getSource() == button1){do something}
else if(e.getSource() == button2 {do something else}
else if .....
20 years ago
hello world again!
I have two JEditorPane area now.
the first JEditorPane should have many links of the files i stored in my drive. and the second JEditorPane should display the contents of those files upon clicking on the links.
anyone has good directions / advises on ways to doing this?
20 years ago
hello world!
i have a GridLayout panel has two row of buttons in it.
i've been using panel's setBorder method to size those buttons all in the same size.
is there a way to size different buttons different sizes?
thanks a lot
20 years ago