Bhaskar Chaganti

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since Apr 10, 2004
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Recent posts by Bhaskar Chaganti

Could you forward me the format for jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file for this? If all goes well my application should start running.
Thanx for your peice of information. But my JBoss App server refuses to recognize the data source and persistently saying that <datasource-mapping> field is necessary and it could not find it. I am using the complete setup feature of JBoss and the error I get is in msaccess-service.xml file.
If you can provide me any valuable info regarding this I will be thankful.
Bye .Expecting a +ve reply
Both abstract classes and Interfaces have one goal in common. They should be used when the implementation is not specific. To make things clear let us say you have a 'Shape' class. Shapes could be of different kinds for e.g. a circle, a rectangle, a square etc. If 'Shape' class had a method called 'draw()', during designing you class, you cannot specifically say how this method should be defined. That's because each shape is drawn differently. So you have a draw method for square, a rectangle etc.
Here both abstract classes and interfaces can be used. Now if you want to enforce super-class sub-class relationship between shape and square and other classes you use abstract classes. Whereas in interfaces such relationship is not enforced.
Hope it's clear now..
20 years ago
Hello everybody!!
I want to configure my MS ACCESS JDBC Driver to work with JBoss 3.0.8 on running on Win'98. I've modified msaccess-service.xml file accordingly and stuck with creating jdbc-cmp.xml file.
What entry should I fill in for <datasource-mapping> in the xml file? Is it compulsory? If so could any one pls. help me about this. I've been around this problem since last one day.