Alex Sharkoff

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since Apr 11, 2004
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Recent posts by Alex Sharkoff

Congratulations !!

By the way here are instructions on how to go about submitting the assignment -
Thanks a lot Chih-Wei for letting me know. By the way takes one straight to the submission instructions.
When I got my "assignment download is available" email it had the following instruction on the assignment upload: "When you are ready, you must request upload rights via email to: [email protected]". That's what I did two days but still have no reply. I will now forward my "upload request" email to the address suggested by Sivan.
Cameron said: "That means having html pages that are easily viewed and displayed on a monitor with a 1024x768 screen resolution; maybe up to 1280x1024"

So if my diagram images have sizes less than 1280x1024 pixels but bigger than 1024x768, it's still okay, is not it?

Thanks a lot.

Thanks Deepak and Sivan for your replies.

My laptop with the assignment is in the Post office
Is it ok to have images that need to be zoomed in?

My sequence diagrams get compacted when I export them from MagicDraw so that they can fit into the page. The only way to view them is to zoom in.

Thanks a lot.
"JSF technology is a user interface framework for building Java-based web applications that run on the server side, and render the user interface back to the client. " as found on JSF helps a user build web applications around Model-View-Controller design pattern. FacesServlet acts as a controller (front controller) that delegates to JSF managed JavaBeans and dispatches requests to view JSP pages. Managed JavaBeans can act as application controllers that use model components from business layer (e.g. session beans) and provide the means to get/set model data. JSP pages format and render model data in the managed JavaBeans.

I'd consider Servlet, JPA and EJB to be APIs that can be used in various frameworks.
ok, I'd still make it bi-directional - a user knows about a role it's got, and a role has a collection of users
Hi Kumar,

I think Front Controller is a servlet thing. You could argue that a JSP is a special type of servet (it gets converted into servlet once compiled) but usually you'd want all your requests to go through the normal servlet and then dispatch to the jsps to render the views. In the case of JSF it has its own servlet, FacesServlet.

Hi Kristofer,

I guess Role-User is a "many-to-many" relationship where a particular user can have more than one role and vice versa a particular role can have more than one user associated with it. I'd make this relationship a bi-directional relationship where a user has a collection of Roles that he or she has, and a role has a collection of Users that are associated with it.

From the implementation point of view such relationship can be implemented with the help of the mapping (association) class. One instance of such class represents a mapping between a user and a role. It can also have additional fields such as the date when a user was granted this role. On the database level, this mapping class can be represented by a table with the foreign key columns to the User and Role tables.
It seems that a business domain model in my part 2 assignment has one invalid relationship and does not specify one relationship at all. I wonder if you have come across similar issues.

Hi Praveen,

I'd say that it's not necessary to provide the justifications of the chosen design paths in part 2. We can draw the parallels with our day to day jobs where we write the designs first and then answer any questions that the indented audience may have. This includes justifying the choices made in the design.
Hi Mimi,

Here is my take on it. Association represents "has-a" relationship, dependency represents a fact that one entity uses another to get something done (one entity depends on the another entity's behaviour). E.g. association - Newspaper has Subscribers (1-to-many relationship); dependency - Newspaper Subscription service uses Delivery service
In the component diagram I would just show a Controller component in the web layer, and in the component diagram description I'd mention that it uses JSF servlet and backing beans for handling user requests and JSP pages for dynamically generating HTML pages. IMHO this would make the component diagram simpler because it'd only show the most important components in the application and their communication paths.