Freya Tan

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since Apr 14, 2004
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Recent posts by Freya Tan

i have a JTextArea for entering things.. and i'm not sure how can i set the JTextArea to be able to go to the next line (when user is typing) automatically.. As my now are kept typing in a Straight line..
20 years ago
this is very impt to me.. Pls reply asap.. pls.. Thanks u..
20 years ago
Thanks for replying..
Mm.. i guess i really need ur help for i have left no one to consult, and i'm new to textfile..
Can i just explain to u what roughly i'm doin, to let u have a clear view..
i'm doin a Calendar with Schedule
And there are JTextField for the schedule to be displayed.. And from there, user can edit & delete in the JTextField.. the problem i have now is that, no matter what date was selected, to display the schedule and then edit will be overwrite to the first position of the TextField.. And prevent it from displaying again.. Therefore i need to know where my mistake is in the code. By the way, i'm using a JDK1.3.1.. So there may be some method that i can't use.. Pls point out my mistake and corect me.. i have been trying this a couple of days, & my deadline is tomorrow.. Can u kindly pls help me.. A big Thanks to u..
20 years ago
Thanks for replying..

Yes, i'm using a JDK 1.3.1 . anyway that i can change my coding to suit JDK 1.3.1 ... i have been trying for a few days and my deadline is tomorrow.. pls help me.. a big thanks to u..

20 years ago
Hi Mr Gregg,
i have tried out the Custom Cell Renderer thing.. but it's seem weird to me..

In my " public void showData() { "

D:\Stephenie\School Work\Yr1 Semester 2\Java Project\ getFont() in AppointmentPage cannot override getFont() in java.awt.Component; attempting to use incompatible return type
found : void
required: java.awt.Font
public void getFont() {

is this correct.. i can't compile becos of the error..? how cum..?
20 years ago
D:\Java Project\ FileOutputStream(,boolean) has private access in
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile,true);
i have this error after adding the " (outputFile,True) ".. what is this error..?? i have nv seen it be.. any way to slove it..

20 years ago
(that's in my code)

FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(outputFile); PrintStream fileOutput = new PrintStream(out);
for (int x = 0; x < AppList.size(); x++) {
aObjt = (FindDay)AppList.get(x);
fileOutput.println(aObjt.getDate() + ";" + aObjt.getMonth() + ";" + aObjt.getYear() + ";" + aObjt.getTime() + ";" + aObjt.getAm() + ";" + aObjt.getApp());

if that is inside my code already, then how cum i'm still overwriting it..?? pls point out the sentence that i have mistake in.. Thank u
20 years ago
Sorry.. i dun quite understand.. can u show me an example..?
20 years ago
Hi to all..
i need to know how to delete data stored in TextFile.. the data are display in JTextField which can be deleted by clicking a "Delete" button.. Any kind soul out there can help.. would say a big thank u to whoever.. urgently..
20 years ago
Hi Mr Gregg,
I understand what u mean.. i would separate my problem the next time..
Now i need to know if anyone can reply me abt:

i'm unable to update my data.. i'm not sure what have gone wrong.. Whenever i try to update, it would overwrite the first position of the data in the Textfile.. and then it's unable to display it.. (No matter which date i try to update, it's would definitely overwrite the first data)

(becos u were saying i shouldn't post again in I/O & Stream)
So i'm not sure where i should post it now.. And i need to know what is the problem with my program asap.. Really sorry in creating so much troubles for u.. And a big Thanks..
20 years ago
i'm unable to update my data.. i'm not sure what have gone wrong.. Whenever i try to update, it would overwrite the first position of the data in the Textfile.. and then it's unable to display it.. (No matter which date i try to update, it's would definitely overwrite the first data)
Also how can i hightlight impt dates in a JList (as i'm doin a Calendar schedule) i want to have those date with appointment saved to be bold & in red colour..

Is there any kind soul out there that would help me.. I urgently need a reply.. Thanks.. Anxiously waiting 4 a reply..

20 years ago
I need to know how to highlight impt date in my JList.. It goes like this.. As i'm doin a Calendar for storing impt schedule, i need to focus on dates that have appointment saved in the TextFile.. but was unsure how to do so.. Can anyone pls help out..? Thanks alot.. Urgently..
20 years ago
Currently i'm using a Button to click and display some data, but i would like to have the JList to be able to double clicked to display data.. how can this be done..???

Thanks alot..
20 years ago
Currently i'm using a Button to click and display some data, but i would like to have the JList to be able to double clicked to display data.. how can this be done..???
20 years ago
I need to have the "IF" statement to check if the "date" , "month" , "year" selected, is according to the data stored in TextFile named ("Appointment.txt")..
For example:
~ If "2" , "february" , "2004" is selected, the program would check in the Textfile [ 2;february;2004;1.30am;Lunch-break ] and display the date (2/february/2004) in JTextField "dayInput" , time (1.30am) in JTextField "timeInput" & app (Lunch-break) in JTextField "appInput"..
~ If false, a dialog box with "No Appointment" would appear..
And now the problem i'm having is that no matter what "date" i click, it would appear the "No Appointment" dialog box.. i'm not sure if it's my "IF" statement that is wrong, or my path to the TextFile is wrong.. Also maybe is the JTextField coding that is wrong in displaying the data..
This is my coding, could u kindly pls help me to check... i really dun wish to try another method for the whole thing (as i may not understand, & therefore could not explain to my lecturer..) really wish u can point out my mistakes in anywhere of the code..

* pls point out any mistakes that i have done.. (i have been doin this page for abt 2 days, and my DeadLine is getting real close) So i really wish u could give me a reply asap.. Thank u so much..
20 years ago