Jeffrey Hunter

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 16, 2004
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Recent posts by Jeffrey Hunter

There is no cube farm. There is no mediocrity. There is no mass-manufactured corporate marketspeak. There is only the constant pursuit of excellence in everything we do, and the unending passion to be different and apart from Business As Usual. This is Rock-n-Roll.

Foxtrot Division, Taurean Corp is seeking a junior-level systems engineer with a specialty in Java web-based development. Must be a U.S. citizen capable of obtaining a SECRET clearance.

Duty station will be in Falls Church, Virginia.

Point of Contact: [email protected]

Corporate Website:

Foxtrot Division Blog: (at the very least, you will understand our personality)

14 years ago
Good luck, jazy. I agree with your order as well. Unfortunately some of the industrial terms you'll come across will have dubious meanings. The best thing you can do is work for a place that clearly defines what all these "industrial terms" mean -- because believe me, they will mean different things to different people. I recently received an email from a customer that had a virtual flurry (no, better categorized as a blizzard) of all the testing buzzwords: unit testing, acceptance testing, system testing, functional testing, and blah blah. The customer wanted to make sure we were doing all these things.

At my place, we have Test Levels to define the scope of the test:
  • System Test
  • Integration Test
  • Focused Test
  • Unit Test

  • Then, we have Test Types to describe the objective of the test:
  • Functional Testing
  • Performance Testing
  • Usability Testing
  • Compliance Testing
  • Security Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

  • So, in a nutshell, we use Test Levels to define "how much" of the system we are going to test; and we use Test Types to define "what" we are going to test for. This might seem complicated, but when you have customers sending emails based on industrial buzzwords, it's important to establish a common vocabulary (all part of managing expectations).
    14 years ago
    Thanks, Bear. Haven't visited in a long time but I could always count on you before. I just happened to find a discussion a few minutes ago on this topic, and it came to the same conclusion!

    Here is the link to the discussion to anyone interested: Force DOM Update.

    Thanks in advance for your attention. The issue I'm having is that a call to document.getElementById("someElement").innerHTML does not appear to be executing synchronously. Here is simplified example code:

    When executed in both IE and Firefox, the string "Processing..." does not appear -- it's as if the browser is ignoring the call and going directly to generateSomeHTML() function. Are DOM updates such as this done asynchronously? The reason I ask is because I can put an alert() at line #2 and the string "Processing..." will appear.

    Apologize for not adding the following to my post:

    US Citizenship is required.
    16 years ago
    Looking for entry-level software engineer in DC metro area for development of advanced web-based applications. Proficiency in Java and Java-based web applications is a must. Our team is small and effective communication is essential. Our clients primarily include Department of Defense components involved in the Intelligence community.

    Please email me for further info if interested:

    [email protected]
    16 years ago
    No, this is a frequent misconception and I had wondered the same thing back when I first started with jsp. Simply put, javascript is a client-side technology, so it executes on the client machine, while jsp is server-side, and executes on the server. So you see, there is no way to bridge the divide between javascript and jsp unless you make a trip to the server.

    Cannot do this:

    You can do this:

    [ November 20, 2006: Message edited by: Jeffrey Hunter ]
    18 years ago
    Hi, All. I understand how to import content from an external url, but is there a simple way to emulate portal-like behavior? For example, consider I have a global navigation and links and I'd like the links to open up in a center container, so when I click say,, the page content is displayed in the center container. Now so far so good, but when I click on a link in the content, I leave the page.

    I suppose the simple question is, just how do portals like PHPNuke deliver external content and remain in the portal environment while the user navigates the external content (e.g. iframe-like behavior)? Is this easily implemented with JSP/Servlets?
    18 years ago
    Hi, All. I've done some searching of the forums and couldn't find an adequate answer to my question. Basically, I'm trying to set the timeout for establishing connections to the database. I've attempted to use the following:

    I have a method which contains the above code, and it's purpose is simply to check if a database is online. The problem is, if the database cannot be reached, the above DriverManager will not timeout for approximately 1 minute. It seems to ignore the call to setLoginTimeout().

    I certainly appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks!

    Ooops. In my haste I forgot UBB syntax. Sorry for the double post (I created on new thread on this topic).
    18 years ago
    Okay, I am in tears over this. I came to the one place I knew it would be appreciated. This is courtesy of Jerry Joplin. Here are some highlights, and the link follows:

  • Chuck Norris can hit you so hard your web app will turn into a swing application, and a very bad swing application containing lots of icons of human skulls.
  • When someone attempts to use one of Chuck Norris' deprecated methods, they automatically get a roundhouse kick to the face at compile time.
  • The java.lang package originally contained a ChuckNorris class, but it punched its way out of the package during a design review and roundhouse kicked Bill Joy in the face.
  • A synchronize does not protect against Chuck Norris, if he wants the object, he takes it.

  • More here.
    [ April 07, 2006: Message edited by: Jeffrey Hunter ]
    18 years ago
    Thanks, Balaji. I'm eager to return to the Ranch after a long hiatus, especially as AJAX is apparently a very "hot" topic here and as a developer, this seems like the place to be to get a grasp on it.
    This doesn't exactly sound like an Ajax issue, rather, you need to look closely at the performance of your servlet and the data retrieval process. From what I've seen, Ajax is relatively fast and should not introduce any substantial performance issues on its own.
    Check your firewall, and if it is on, you may need to open up a hole so JDBC can access the db.
    19 years ago
    I use mainly two techniques to stop a thread. First, as Ernest alluded to, the interrupt() method. The interrupt() will cause the thread to throw an exception, at which point you can catch the exception and handle it in any number of ways. Specifically, you can use the catch block to kill your thread gracefully.

    Second, use a global class variable which the thread will check on occasion to determine if it should still run.