Good luck, jazy. I agree with your order as well. Unfortunately some of the industrial terms you'll come across will have dubious meanings. The best thing you can do is work for a place that clearly defines what all these "industrial terms" mean -- because believe me, they will mean different things to different people. I recently received an email from a customer that had a virtual flurry (no, better categorized as a blizzard) of all the testing buzzwords: unit testing, acceptance testing, system testing, functional testing, and blah blah. The customer wanted to make sure we were doing all these things.
At my place, we have Test Levels to define the scope of the test:
System TestIntegration TestFocused TestUnit Test
Then, we have Test Types to describe the objective of the test:
Functional TestingPerformance TestingUsability TestingCompliance TestingSecurity TestingAcceptance Testing
So, in a nutshell, we use Test Levels to define "how much" of the system we are going to test; and we use Test Types to define "what" we are going to test for. This might seem complicated, but when you have customers sending emails based on industrial buzzwords, it's important to establish a common vocabulary (all part of managing expectations).