Ella Rath

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since Apr 19, 2004
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i hope i am posting this question in the right forum.
in an application i am developing, the user selects an input map
(in SVG format)[eg; map of India], a couple of data files
corresponding to the map he has chosen[area.txt and population.txt],
and some calculation he wants to be done [finding density]
the user make all these selections using a HTML form and
submits it to a server. on the server side, servlets extract the data
values from the input data[extract the area and population values of
each state from the text files], perform the necessary calculations
[calculates density by dividing each area value with the population
value] and obtains a result[ie density for each state].
now based on the result obtained, i want for a particular range of
output data [density], a color to be appplied on the map; for another
range, another color etc.
my questions are:
(1) can i use servlets to do the above coloring or
(2) should a javascript function be used to do the above color mapping
(3) if javascript is to be used, where should this javascript function
be in order to do the necessary calculation?
desperately waiting to hear from you.
thanks in advance.
i am in desperate need of ur help in writing a servlet/JSP code.
the output of my HTML/JS form is a popup window whose contents are:
a set of XML tags as shown below:

the script i used to create this set of tags are:

now i need to write a server side program (servlet/JSP) that takes this input, extracts the image and text files shown in the <pic> and <tex> tags and displays those files on the browser.
please help me out of this desperate situation helping me by giving server side programming code that interprets the contents of the popup window and displays them to the user.
i tried finding the solution by going through a number of tutorials but was unsuccesful. so please help me out be giving me the code.
thanks in advance and desparately waiting to hear from u.
20 years ago
Hi ravi,
thank u very much for the prompt reply. one of my classmates has got an offer from Infy. he too had similar questions i had and when i showed him this post, he was pleased. but he has forced me to post the following questions:
(1) in his offer letter from Infy, it has been mentioned that he will get a leave of only 3 days per quarter for the first year and not more. do they strictly follow this??
(2) he also wants to know specifically how many days Infy gives as annual vacation and generally in which month is the annual vacation given??
sorry for the trouble and thanks in advance
20 years ago
i hope u don't mind answering a few silly questions from me (a fresher having just completed my ME in comouter science):
regarding Infy and TCS,
(1) how is the training for Computer Science graduates??
(2) are the companies very strict in the matter of taking leave or the two companies a bit liberal in this matter both during and after the training period?
(3) in these companies, do they give any sort of annual vacation??
(4) regarding the place of posting, are we given any choice or we need to go wherever we are posted??
thanks in advance
20 years ago
i need a small clarification regarding servlets:
using a HTML/JS form, my output is a new window named mywin with the following contents:


now i want to use a servlet to extract the contents of the window (mywin)
can u help me by giving a sample servlet code that extracts the data as above?
thanks in advance..
20 years ago
varun, thank u very much for the lovely explanation of development and maintanence.girl friends asking for bath-tub in the bathroom!! can life get better than that
another clarification: does working in companies like Infy need even freshers to work till midnight regularly or is it only during approaching project deadlines that we need to burn the midnight oil
[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Ella Rath ]
20 years ago
Hi friends,
i am sorry to interrupt the interesting discussion going on in this thread but i have a basic clarification which i hope u won't mind answering. i am still a student yet to experience how the job environment will be? i want to know what actually maintanence means?
i understand development is developing code but what does a person in maintanence actually do? does he need to develop any code?
and will a fresher like me(i have been recently selected in campus recrutiment by an IT biggie and will be joining them in a month) get into development or maintanence??
tahnks in advance
20 years ago
i have a simple javascript form with an image and a submit button in my 'home' page. when the image is clicked, the user is taken to another page, 'page2' where he has a form with a select tag and some options. these options allow him to select an image from set of images.
now the user selects one of the options and the image he has chosen is displayed on the screen using an appropriate function.
the user then clicks on a 'back' button and returns to the 'home' page. here when he clicks on the 'submit' button, a XML file showing his selection is to be displayed ie XML looks like
<figure>D:\My Documents\af.jpg</figure>
the figure tag is dynamic and changes depending on the value chosen by the user.
i have the code by which the above XML is generated but it works only in page2 ie as soon as the user makes his selection, the image is displayed and simultaneously the above XML is also generated in a separate window.
instead i want this XML to be generated ONLY WHEN THE USER CLICKS ON THE SUBMIT BUTTON in the home page.
thanks in advance.
i have generated XML using javascript. in my javascript code, i used the following pseudo-code to generate XML
var Str = "<user>\n";
Str += "<elt> " + opt + " </elt>\n";
Str += "</user>";
the XML that is generated is written in a new window. now i want to save the XML file such that it is available to the serverside programs for processing.
how can i save this XML file?
thanks in advance.
i am new to XML and need simple clarification.
how can i transer a XML document over HTTP or in simple terms:
what does the phrase "transferring XML over HTTP" mean and how is it acheived? thanks in advance
i am using Eclipse 2.1.2 installed on Linux. i downloaded Tomcat 5.0 with the Sysdeo Tomcat plug-in to run servlets,JSP etc using Eclipse.
In Eclipse, when i go to Windows>Preferences to do the necessary configuration, i get an empty window and in the 'bash' shell, the error is:

Unhandled exception caught in event loop.

how can i solve this problem?
thanks in advance.
i need ur advise on how to use XML for developing a simple application.
in my application, the user is presented with a HTML form by which he
can make necessary selections. the form template is given below:
<form name="theForm">
<select name="sel" onchange="loadFile();">
<option> Choose the map u prefer
<option value="C:\My Documents\usa.jpg">US
<option value="C:\My Documents\uk.jpg" >UK
<option value="C:\My Documents\spain.jpg">Spain
<option value="C:\My Documents\greece.jpg">Greece
in the above application , the user chooses a map and some data files and on the server side, some processing is done on the user selected map using the data also selected by the user and the final map is displayed back to the user.
i have been asked to use XML in the above situation(probably for data exchange!!). i need to design a XML file that encapsulates the choices made by the user and this XML file has to be sent to the server via HTTP.
the server-side programs are to interpret this XML file and do necessary procesing. my question is:
is it possible to design such a XML file? this XML file should be a dynamic one that should change each time the user makes selection using the form.
i posted this question in XML forum and was advised to post it in JavaScript forum for better responses. eagerly looking forward to ur suggestions.
thanks in advance
i need ur advise on how to use XML for developing a simple application.
in my application, the user is presented with a HTML form by which he
can make necessary selections. the form template is given below:
<form name="theForm">
<select name="sel" onchange="loadFile();">
<option> Choose the map u prefer
<option value="C:\My Documents\usa.jpg">US
<option value="C:\My Documents\uk.jpg" >UK
<option value="C:\My Documents\spain.jpg">Spain
<option value="C:\My Documents\greece.jpg">Greece

in the above application , the user chooses a map and some data files and on the server side, some processing is done on the user selected map using the data also selected by the user and the final map is displayed back to the user.
i have been asked to use XML in the above situation(probably for data exchange!!). i need to design a XML file that encapsulates the choices made by the user and this XML file has to be sent to the server via HTTP.
the server-side programs are to interpret this XML file and do necessary procesing. my questions are:
1) is it possible to design such a XML file? this XML file should be a dynamic one that should change each time the user makes selection using the form.
2) should it be created on the client end or on the server end??
i need to necessarily use XML in the above scenario and i am in desperate need of ur advise and suggestions..
thanks in advance and eagerly looking forward to ur reply.
Hi Ali,
if u don't mind, can u please give me a sample code on how to call methods that write XML using DOM?
thanks in advance
20 years ago
this is how i plan to write my XM file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<fig id="1">C:\My Documents\usa.jpg</fig>
<fig id="2">C:\My Documents\uk.jpg</fig>
<fig id="3">C:\My Documents\spain.jpg</fig>
<fig id="4">C:\My Documents\greece.jpg</fig>
from the above XML file, using JSP/Servlet, i need to generate a dynamic XML file that captures only the selections made by the user.
is the above procedure right?
20 years ago