Richard Bradford

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since Apr 20, 2004
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There are a few things wrong.

Firstly, you can't access the non static methods directly from main. Instead create your Independence instance within the main method (check the variable assignment in your constructor its the wrong way round) and call its Iday method.
[ August 15, 2008: Message edited by: Richard Bradford ]
16 years ago
An alternative solution would be to reverse the string and compare with the original. Something along the lines of:


[ August 14, 2008: Message edited by: Richard Bradford ]
16 years ago
Once you move the MyInner class to another file it is no longer an inner class of MyOuter. You would have to use it like so:

16 years ago
If you do not have the 1.4 compiler installed you can use the Java 5 compiler while setting the target to 1.4:

javac -target 1.4
16 years ago

Originally posted by Swaminathan Balasubramani:

Can anyone help me reaching the link to download Oreilly's MultipartRequest.

Thanks in advance.

Via the power of google:
19 years ago
Easy(ish) way to get paramters is to use the Apache commons fileupload.
Otherwise you will have to manually parse the request yourself.
20 years ago
Yeah, if Class B is a Class created by you or a third party (ie not part of java runtime) then you will need to move it to the new server environment also.
If it is included in a jar file then you can include it as part of your .war file in the WEB-INF\lib folder.
20 years ago
Your program is actually drawing more than the 4 dots its just that they are on top each other as you are repeatedly drawing at the same locations.
I think what you are trying to do in your case statement is move x and y positions but are instead just using the same offsets.

Instead of g.fillOval( x-3, y+30, side, side );
try g.fillOval( x-=3, y+=30, side, side );

-= & += will decrement and increment the values accordingly.

Hope this helps.
20 years ago

Originally posted by adeel ansari:

and one more thing can we destory any session? we have the sessionId.

[ October 03, 2004: Message edited by: adeel ansari ]

You can no longer get a session object by its id (from servlet 2.1 spec). you could however store the session objects in the HashMap instead of the sessionId.
20 years ago
Yes. This is normal behaviour.
20 years ago
You shoud create a web.xml file and place it in your web applications WEB-INF folder. You can then write servlet definitions and mappings in the web.xml file to access your servlet.
20 years ago
If you mean have more than one Servlet in your webapp directory structure then yes, you just put mappings for each servlet in the web.xml
20 years ago
Have a look at the HttpServletRequest api, in particluar getContextPath()
20 years ago

Originally posted by adeel ansari:

Richard I think its not about to check the active user. its about authenticating the user instead.

By the way wht happened to the saloon colors. Or i turned color blind. whatever its not lookig nice or may be me require sometime to get used to of it.

[ October 01, 2004: Message edited by: adeel ansari ]

Ah, you are correct. I hadn't fully woken up when I posted.

The forum is grey in memory of Philippe Maquet who sadly died recently.
20 years ago