Vaithiya Sundaram

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Recent posts by Vaithiya Sundaram

did anyone get the result or instructions for part 2?

Your voucher expires on January 31, 2008.

this due date is for registering the exam or for completing the exam?

Search Criteria : MAD, LAX, 12/10/2006, 10:00

The system could return:

MAD - ORD 12/10/2006 11:00 14:00 FLIGHT1
ORD - LAX 12/10/2006 15:00 20:00 FLIGHT2

MAD - LAX 12/10/2006 16:00 FLIGHT3

MAD - LHR 12/10/2006 10:00 12:00 FLIGHT4
LHR - LAX 12/10/2006 13:00 19:00 FLIGHT5

I am also confused how the price model will work for the above scenerio.
Is it same price for all three options or different?if different how do you calculate?do we need to sumup the prices for each flight/route?
Could certified people share your experience on this?
Thank you Merrill.

I had also tried exactly what you suggested:

In your error page in the body's onload event, test window.opener to see if it's null. If it isn't null (meaning this is a popup window), cause the main window to load the error page (window.opener.location.replace('error.jsp') and close the current window.

But the problem is, there are some on the fly validation messages(generated by struts validation.xml) which I am missing while displaying login.jsp page in case of the above scenerio.

do you have idea how to display whatever page we are getting for popup window to main window?

Thank you
18 years ago
From a JSP called "ABC.jsp", when I click "View Item" button it should call
corresponding action class,process and display results(displayitems.jsp) in a popup window. for some reason if the result is error page or login page then the popup window should not be opened rather it should replace ABC.jsp in main window.

If result is displayitems.jsp I want to open this jsp in pop up window and
keep ABC.jsp open in main window.
If result is some other page I want to replace ABC.jsp with result page in
main window.

how to do this opening the popup window conditionally i.e. based on result

Your response is appreciated!
From a JSP called "ABC.jsp", when I click "View Item" button it should call
corresponding action class,process and display results(displayitems.jsp) in a popup window. for some reason if the result is error page or login page then the popup window should not be opened rather it should replace ABC.jsp in main window.

If result is displayitems.jsp I want to open this jsp in pop up window and
keep ABC.jsp open in main window.
If result is some other page I want to replace ABC.jsp with result page in
main window.

how to do this opening the popup window conditionally i.e. based on result

Your response is appreciated!
18 years ago
From a JSP called "ABC.jsp", when I click "View Item" button it should call corresponding action class,process and display results(displayitems.jsp) in a popup window. for some reason if the result is error page or login page then the popup window should not be opened rather it should replace ABC.jsp in main window.

If result is displayitems.jsp I want to open this jsp in pop up window and keep ABC.jsp open in main window.
If result is some other page I want to replace ABC.jsp with result page in main window.

how to do this opening the popup window conditionally i.e. based on result page?

Your response is appreciated!
18 years ago

I agree that a particular flight price will not change based on dates booking as per the requirement. But what if two different flights are going to same destination from same place but at different timings on same day, i think those two flights may have different rates too. thats why I think the requirement says:

System responds with the selected flight priced and alternative flights if less than selected and within one hour of departure and return times.


The onething I could not understand is how they determine price for breaking flights. for ex: a flight goes from newyork to losangels non stop with price $300. another flight goes from newyork to chicago and chicago to losangels with price $200 each segment. If a person goes from NY to LA in second flight whether he will pay $400 or he will get discounted rate as he travels two segments or will it be flat rate as $300 irrespective of whether he goes through stopover or non stopover flight?

Hi Vijay
I assume a segment means from one city to another city without stopover.
Am i right? what do you mean by leg? I think one flight can serve one segment and same flight or another flight can serve for another segment, is that called leg?

Congrats Arvind!

In case of flying A to C and C-B, how did you calculate the price?
is it A-B price or the sum of A to C and C-B price?

Hi Vijay
I have another question. The requirement says "Customer selects seats".
Is that means customer can select particular seat number? or it is just customor selects n number of seats for the reservation?

Hi Vijay
Thanks a lot for your detailed answers. It really helps.

Congrats Vijay! Excellent!!!

You mentioned that you did not change BDM, that means i hope you did not change any existing associations, relationships or introduced any new classes inbetween existing classes. am i right? ofcourse you must have added new classes for extending BDM. upto what level of classes you had in your class diagram? i.e. only business entities? or did you have service classes(EJB), DAO's, DTO's,etc?
To address QoS issues what did you do in your assignment?
Upto what date you can book the flight?for ex. upto one year or any given day? How did you calculate price? if a flight goes from A-C via B. is it A-C price or sumup of A-B and B-C price?
sorry for putting so many questions. I hope you might get more questions from many people as you scored excellent 100%. Hope you will be around in this forum for some time to clarify our doubts.

If it is A-->C then C-->B, how the price should be calculated?
is this sumup amount of two segments or it should be one amount for A-B?

Congrats Laxmi!!!
Can you please tell me how many classes you put it in your class diagram?
Upto what level you draw the class diagram?
Did you change the context or associations from BDOM?
How did you address qos like security,performance,etc.
