Your voucher expires on January 31, 2008.
Search Criteria : MAD, LAX, 12/10/2006, 10:00
The system could return:
MAD - ORD 12/10/2006 11:00 14:00 FLIGHT1
ORD - LAX 12/10/2006 15:00 20:00 FLIGHT2
MAD - LAX 12/10/2006 16:00 FLIGHT3
MAD - LHR 12/10/2006 10:00 12:00 FLIGHT4
LHR - LAX 12/10/2006 13:00 19:00 FLIGHT5
In your error page in the body's onload event, test window.opener to see if it's null. If it isn't null (meaning this is a popup window), cause the main window to load the error page (window.opener.location.replace('error.jsp')
and close the current window.
.System responds with the selected flight priced and alternative flights if less than selected and within one hour of departure and return times.