Thejaswi Narayana

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since Apr 25, 2004
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Recent posts by Thejaswi Narayana

There is huge demand for Spring and Hibernate and at the same time there are more people who know those technologies. Not everyone get a chance to work on BEA products. You are definitely not wasting your time on BEA tools.

My company pays a special incentive for ppl working on WLI.
17 years ago
Try the SUN tutorial at the link below.

Also can use the book,
Java Message Service by Richard Monson-Haefel

Havent personaly read the book, but it is one of the few books completely dedicated to JMS.
Congrats!! Thats a great score.
19 years ago

BTW which exam was it??
19 years ago
SCWCD covers more technologies/topics like JSP,Servlet,EL, design patterns,etc. But SCBCD just covers EJB2.0. Hence if you go thru the Head First EJB, EJB 2.0 spec it will be a easy exam to crack. I did it in 2months.
Remember, that you dont implement the remote/local interface in the bean class.
What Next???
19 years ago
I gave the exam recently and ther were no EJB specific questions. If you have a good understanding of how EJBs work and the advantages of EJBs over other technologies then you can go ahead with the exam.
Thanks for all your wishes
19 years ago
Hi Ranchers,
I cleared SCDJWS with 79 % today. It was a tough exam compared to the other two exams which I have given till date probably due to the large number of technologies the examcovers. I used the J2EE Web Services and Sun Blue prints as reference along with Mikalai's notes and Quiz.
19 years ago
Decided to go with the Helper class. Thanks for the reply
19 years ago
The application I am working on gets the data from the business tier as a list of value objects. Before forwarding the data to the view I need to format the data so that I can display it in the JSP without having to use scriplets. View helper is one of the strategy. But we are not using any custom data and want to do all the formatting of data in the servlet before passing on to JSP. Can anyone let me know what are the strategies for doing the formatting.

Thanks in advance
19 years ago
I have gone through the objective matrix. Its very helpful. But the link to above objectives lead to chapters on deployment. Couldnt figure out the answers to those objectives.