Vinnie Jenks

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since Apr 26, 2004
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Recent posts by Vinnie Jenks

Originally posted by Bert Bates:
moving to servlets forum

Bert - is it a slow day on the board? This has nothing to do w/ Servlets and everything to do w/ an app server.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Bert Bates:
moving to servlets forum

Bert - is it a slow day on the board? This has nothing to do w/ Servlets and everything to do w/ an app server.
17 years ago

Originally posted by Jessica Plunkett:
Vinnie - I know that this is a very old thread but I have the same problem that you described in your post and I was wondering if you ever found a solution? Thanks in advance.

Actually, yes, we've been running in production and SSL has been working since I posted this. With some trial-and-error, it came together.

Shoot me an email at zambizzi-at-gmail-dot-com and I'll try to help you where you're stuck.

17 years ago

Originally posted by Jessica Plunkett:
Vinnie - I know that this is a very old thread but I have the same problem that you described in your post and I was wondering if you ever found a solution? Thanks in advance.

Actually, yes, we've been running in production and SSL has been working since I posted this. With some trial-and-error, it came together.

Shoot me an email at zambizzi-at-gmail-dot-com and I'll try to help you where you're stuck.

17 years ago

Originally posted by Jessica Plunkett:
Vinnie - I know that this is a very old thread but I have the same problem that you described in your post and I was wondering if you ever found a solution? Thanks in advance.

Actually, yes, we've been running in production and SSL has been working since I posted this. With some trial-and-error, it came together.

Shoot me an email at zambizzi-at-gmail-dot-com and I'll try to help you where you're stuck.

17 years ago
I'm only slightly familiar w/ web services from my time w/ .NET and have never built anything beyond "Hello World" w/ forgive my ignorance.

I know you can represent complex types, such as entities using XML - Can I pass an entity and/or a List<EntityName> through a web service in JAX-WS? Would this be achieved w/ coupling JAXB w/ JAX-WS? I've been googling around for examples and I'm not finding any w/ this concept in mind, specifically.

Could someone point me to some resources on how this is achieved?

I'm using Glassfish V1 and its JAX-WS 2.0 spec.

18 years ago
I too am struggling with this as it is obviously not an often-asked question - I've been googling for two days and cannot find a good piece of example code that clearly demonstrates this.

I've found one on this thread that demonstrates how to access the row data through an action...but I have a different use-case where I need to access a piece of data on each row as it's created and have the ability to manipulate it.

Is there a way to "hook into" each row as it is created and manipulate the row data w/o having to click a button or post the form?

18 years ago
Could someone please point me to some specific examples dedicated to creating a dataTable programmatically? I'd like to see some simple, clear code examples on how to bind columns, get access to each data item as rows are created, etc. - all from within my backing-beans.

I've been looking around and I can't find any clear, simple tutorials on the JSF UI component API...even that Java EE 5 reference only provides basics and doesn't show how to do things like that within backing beans, accessing the API in Java code.

18 years ago
Nevermind, that WAS a dumb question. Once I wrapped the plain text values w/ outputText all worked.

What bizarre behavior for doing it incorrectly, however!
18 years ago
I'm a JSF newbie, for sure. I'm working w/ a dataTable and I can't get my headers to display *only* as headers, they're repeating for each row of data.

Here's my dataTable:

I would expect to see the two nbsp's, "Directory Name" and "Is Default" as the first row, the header...but instead they appear next to each data item in every row!

What am I doing wrong?

I'm using Glassfish V1 w/ the built-in JSF 1.2 RI from Sun. I posted this question on the Glassfish forums but was ignored (for about a week now) so I assume it's a stupid question and no one wants to bother w/ it.

18 years ago
FYI - I'm using Glassfish w/ the JSF 1.2 RI...but this should be a straightforward question regardless.

I have a page w/ a rather strange layout that I had previously written w/ a Servlet+JSP using RequestDispatcher...the old-skool MVC approach.

I'd now like to convert it to JSF since we're using that more these days but I'm having a tough time figuring out how it should be done.

The page is a list of employees, split into two columns. Each row has a radio button list to indicate the status of the employee (in regards to attendance) - i.e., the employee is either In, Out, or At Lunch. Next to that is a single text field for the employee to enter a note (e.g., will be out until next Monday, out sick, etc.)

We use this app at our front desk so visitors and employees can keep track of who's in and who is not. It's also used within our portal. Employees use it to set their own status and notes, if needed.

Now, the old way I had done this was; each row (employee) had its own form and I would auto-submit the individual form when one of the radio-buttons was clicked...and the logic to persist the status change was done in the doPost method of the servlet. I used a hidden field to track the employee ID (PK) for each row/form.

I'm really struggling with a simple way to do this in JSF. An h:form for each row, as was done w/ the old version, only renders one form control...and it only gets displayed for the last employee on the list. A global h:form throws an error since you can't have and id value repeated twice.

Here's what the OLD JSP looked like:

Thanks in advance! The help is appreciated!


PS - I had to change "onclick" to "onclik" or I couldn't post, sorry for the previous message, the error I was getting was misleading.
18 years ago
I've been trying for 20 min. to post a question here but I keep getting denied because I needed to convert all less-than and greater-than characters into < and > code...and I did...and it *still* won't let me post!

They were all even within CODE BB tags...what am I supposed to do?

That seems a bit inconvenient being a JSF forum...where people are inevitably going to be posting markup examples?

I even did a search+replace to ensure there were no gt & lt luck.

18 years ago
What about just using the JSTL <c:forEach> tag to lay things out exactly how you need them? I'm new to JSF but this is what I've done in what little I've used JSF for thus far.
18 years ago
I have the book "Core JavaServer Faces" and in there it says that I can use a plain Map collection with selectItems in a selectOneMenu.

I'm able to get it to work on one app but not another...using the same JSF implementation on the same app naturally I'm completely say the least.

I'm using Sun's Glassfish V1 and the official JSF 1.2 reference implementation it comes with. I'm not interested in MyFaces or another alternative...I want to stick w/ the built-in faces impl.

Anyhow, I have an enterprise app that has a page w/ this in it:

In the backing-bean, the list is populated like so:

In another app I've done it *exactly* the same way...

...but I get an exception!!

What am I doing wrong? I'm completely stumped. Can I use a Map or not? If no, why did it work once and not twice in *identical* situations!?

18 years ago

Originally posted by Satou kurinosuke:
If these were seconds, you would get "Feb 22 2005".
You are absolutely sure about getting "2/16/06" ?

Isn't there a way to know how Crystal Report interprets this number ?

I may not have posted the right integer value from the database...could you show me how you arrived to that given the number I provided?

I would *really* appreciate seeing how you arrived at that value!
18 years ago