Cherry Mathew

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since Dec 26, 2000
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Recent posts by Cherry Mathew

Write a client application for testing the bean> You can make this clietn generic which can be reused for other beans also.
Im using Jbuilder5 for developing testing and deployment.
What if im passing a japaneese string to the compareTo function 2) using String tokenizer
23 years ago
By full support i asked abt the frunctions of String class
Thanx for the reply
23 years ago

Does java.lang.String support internationalization fully. Which all functions doesnt support?
what are the issues i need to take care of when using string?
is it a good idea to use a wrapper for String class for internationalization.
23 years ago
In my application i want to read a file from a browser and also show the progress statistics to the client. How will i do this. I got the classes to read the file. Is there any way that i can make the file read as a back end process as the file to be read can be a big file.
And also i need to read the file and send it as a parameter to another application. And is there any ready made classes which will parse the file and extract the information i need.
Thanx in advance
23 years ago
I think u already deployed a bean with the same JNDI name
please check that
Im using weblogic6.1 and i want to know how to deploy an application in the server.
im using this command
java weblogic.deploy -host hostName -port 7001 deploy weblogicPassword applicationNae app.ear
this gives
JNDI naming exception: Naming exception trying to connect to t3://hostName:7001 as: system:weblogicPassword

It works when im running from the same machine as my server.
Please help me
23 years ago
IM using jbuilder5 enterprise and weblogic6.0
im able to deploy the ejb using jbuilder but am unable to deploy the web applications in the server.
when i run the servlet it starts the weblogic server but doesnt deploy the servlet nor the web application. And there is no option to deploy the web application.
Is there any settings i need to do
ive already specified that the application server is web server check box.
Please help me.
And also if someone know how to deploy applications in weblogic server from a remote machine please help.
im giving the url as t3://server:7001 and other parameters.

Thanks in advance
Thank u all
My problem is not the upload part but keeping track of that.
Dimitry please send me u r version of the program
My id is [email protected]
Thanks again
23 years ago
Somebody help me
23 years ago
I got some questions
Upload - when im doing the uplaod of a file from the client, how will i get the size of the file. Im using ServletInputstream to read the file. And its available() method returns 0.
Download a file- Do we have any method to know whether a file which is requested by the client got downloaded fully or not.
I want the status of the download.
Thanks in advance
23 years ago
Hi ashwini
Clearing the work directory and restarting the sever is fine it works but its time consumuing in a development environment. If the jsp page is automatically reloaded its the better way of doing this.
I did put autoreload=true and still its not refreshing the jsp page. i think its bcos of the timestamp of the jsp page. but cant figure out how to do it.
23 years ago
Thank u all for the responses
I did try the jspc but it gives me exception IllegalArgumentException. Unknown object java.util.Hashtable etc.
please explain in detail the options of jspc. and till which directory i got to give
23 years ago
Thank u john and william for the responses.
I agree about the singleton class. but my real need comes not when the server startup but calling method of a class when the server shutsdown.
My servlets might be using many common resources and i may need to clean them up when the server shuts down.
I can put them in the destroy method of the servlet but wont it be better to do the clean up calling mehod when the server shutsdown.
23 years ago