This week's book giveaway is in the Design and Architecture forum.
We're giving away four copies of Communication Patterns: A Guide for Developers and Architects and have Jacqui Read on-line!
See this thread for details.

Amy Humphries

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since Apr 27, 2004
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This worked for me:

javac -classpath c:\dev\tomcat\common\lib\servlet-api.jar:classes:.;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar;c:\dev\MyProjects\beerV1\classes -d classes src/com/example/web/
I was able to fix the "package javax.servlet does not exist" error by adding j2ee.jar to my classpath. I am also getting "package com.example.model does not exist" and I'm stumped.

This is what I am doing:
C:\dev\MyProjects\beerV1> javac -classpath c:\dev\tomcat\common\lib\servlet-api.jar:classes:.;c:\j2sdkee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar -d classes src/com/example/web/

There must be something else I have to add to the classpath, but I don't know what.
On page 82 of the wonderful new HF Servlets & JSP book, we're supposed to write a test class, but we're "on your own here". I've never written a test class. Could someone give me more info?
I just got mine from Amazon! Yay! They really exist.
Mine is "Out for Delivery" according to UPS. So I should get it this afternoon. It was ordered June 22.
Can anyone recommend some online reading to prepare for the test while waiting for "Head First Servletes & JSP" to be released?
I passed with 90%. The only surprises were that certain topics weren't on my exam. I didn't have anything with inner classes or ~ ^ | & >> << etc bit arthimetic questions. I was almost dissapointed in how easy the test was.
I found the test to be a lot easier than I expected. I used the K&B book, Sun's practice tests, and this site to help me prepare.
The real test was a lot easier than Sun's practice tests. The software was fast and easy to use, unlike Sun's practice tests. I'd say the MasterExam test that came with the K&B book was closer in difficulty and user interface.
To my surprise, there were no questions with inner classes.
Time wasn't an issue. I finished the exam in 69 minutes, and spent about another 20 reviewing. I ended early cause I didn't know what else to do and didn't want to start doubting my answers.
In comparison to mock tests... I got between 67% - 75% on the Sun practice tests, and 80% on the MasterExam.
20 years ago
Could questions similar to these be on the real exam?
These were from WGS-PREX-J035B-Form3:

Since A, B, C and E were things I learned about in the K&B book, I thought the answer must be one of them. But it wasn't. Do I need to know about Iterator and RandomAccess?

I guessed correctly? But will I really need to covert hexidecimal to binary? Or is an easier way to solve this?
These were from WGS-PREX-J035B-Form2:
This test had 3 questions involving Daemon Threads. Afterwards, I found Kathy's post about daemon threads here. , but still, getting three questions that required actual knowledge of something I had never heard of before really shook me up.



Also, there were some questions, which I'm not going to be able to find now, that dealt with methods I wasn't familar with. clone() was one of them, and the other was getClass(). I see from the api that they are the only methods of class Object that I didn't know about. The others are all mentioned in table 7-1 in the K&B book.
So anyway, I'm taking the test in 38 hours, and I'm concerned that knowing the material from the K&B book isn't enough. However, I read a post where Kathy said that the people who wrote the sample questions aren't necessarily the same ones that wrote the questions for the read test. I guess I'm just trying to assure myself that I know all I need to know, and there won't be new methods, classes or interfaces popping up on the exam that I don't know anything about.