i'm not a print expert, but i *have* printed formatted pages using HTML doc kit. actually, i did some research and i came to a standstill with all other methods (unless you want to use pure graphics).
essentially, you have to consider that java printing just renders what you 'paint' onto a graphics device (e.g. printer) using the graphics canvas you give it, and the attributes that you assign the device [o, but don't try too hard to force any device characteristics... java is not very smart about detecting the true device capabilities...]
so if you choose to try this, the first step would be to get your text html-formatted [several jcomponent classes are capable]. you will have to find or write code to translate special chars like newline(<br>

, and use java's fuddy old version of html...
perhaps that is what you meant to achieve with attributedstring? i think this is just for specially annotated text ...