Sevvel Kannan

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since May 05, 2004
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You can get the e-Certificate in pdf format by registering at with your candidate/testing id.
I appeared for IBM Architectural Design of SOA Solutions certification exam and successfully cleared the exam with a score of 82%.

Thank you ranch members for sharing information related to SOA exam.

I used below materials for preparation.

Exploring IBM Smart SOA Technology and practice.
SOA Compass.
IBM SOA Foundation – Architecture Overview.
IBM redbooks.
Some material from yahoo soa cert group.

Congratulations !!! great score .
14 years ago
Congratulations great score.

Thank you for listing study materials.
Congrats and Thanks for sharing your preparation and views.
Congrats Great score.
15 years ago
15 years ago
15 years ago
Congrats janaka
Thank you for the tips.
16 years ago
Great achievement.
Congratulations !!!
please share your preparation process.
16 years ago
Congratz Lucius !!! Great score.
Thank you.

It took four months for me. I think it again depends on the amount of time you can spend each day.

All the best.