James Turner

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since May 10, 2004
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Recent posts by James Turner

I think that it will not be necessary to update part 2, only to specify that part 2 use JEE 5 api's.

I assume that only part 1 will be updated and that current SCEA's will only need to retake part 1 to update their certification.

Hopefully... I don't think I could manage doing the assignment again!
I wonder if there will be an easy upgrade path for currently certified architects?
Hi Guys,

I just recieved my results today, exactly 6 weeks after submitting the assignment. I got 87% which I am happy about, I nearly broke into the 90's but I can't be greedy! Funnily enough I also got 87% in part 1!

Class Diagram (44 maximum) .......................... 40
Component Diagram (44 maximum) ...................... 37
Sequence/Collaboration Diagrams (12 maximum) ........ 10

I seem to have lost a little from each diagram, at least there are no gapping holes in my assignment, it was probably some small details that reduced my mark.

I would like to thank everyone on this forum for all the help I have received. Thank you all very much!

Good luck to everyone taking the SCEA!

I thought they said 4-6 weeks, did you really wait 4 months? thats massive, i'd nearly forget about the assignment by that time.

I hope I don't have to wait 4 months!
Hi Guys,

Tomorrow will be exactly 6 weeks since I submitted my assignment and I still havn't heard anything.

How long have most of you guys waited? Is it around the 6 weeks mark or is it less?

I hope they are marking it and its not sitting in their database forgotten!

Great score! Congratulations!

How long did you have to wait for that?
Hi Guys,

I was wondering if anyone has used Java Web Start for installing the Swing client onto the users machines?

I do not know a lot about it so I was wondering if it was viable and if anyone has used it.

From what I know it means the Swing client app gets installed automatically on the users computer over the network, and any updates deployed on the server side get downloaded on the clients machine the next time they start. It is good for allowing the Swing client to be updated without needing to send updates out manually by an admin.

Is that correct? Would it be a good idea to use for our purposes?

Thank you for your help.

Hi Guys,

I was wondering if we should show the database in the component diagram.

If we do, should we show it as a component or a sub-system?

Thank you for your help.

Hi Guys,

I am a little concerned about my class diagram. Most people here seem to have passed well with just over 20 classes in their class diagram.

I have got just 11, so obviously I could say, well everyone implements it differently, but the difference in number is quite a lot between me and most other of you, so I was starting to think that I may have missed some crucial point that I could suffer from if I hand in the diagram with 11 classes.

I'd like to know, when people create their class diagrams are they including EJB's, VO's and any other components that help with the diagrams understanding, similar to the example in Cale's book, or are these all POJO's?

Thank you for your help!

I am not sure if explaining why we use each design pattern is necessary, I have specified what patterns I have used, but not explained the details as to why.
Hi Guys,

I was wondering what format do we need to submit the UML diagrams in? I have converted them all to gifs, is that ok? Are we surposed to do something different.

My archive contains only html and gif files.

Thank you for your help.

Hi Guys,

Has anyone specified the exception classes that the system will use, or do we not need to show them?

At this moment I haven't shown any exceptions in my diagrams...has anyone else?

Thanx for the help.

Another questions...

Has anyone shown the database within the component diagram? It just looks a little strange with a DAO that does not have a database connected to it.

I am not sure if I need to show the database, that all.

Has anyone shown the database on their component diagram?
