Aurelian Tutuianu

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since May 13, 2004
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Recent posts by Aurelian Tutuianu

My strong suggestion is to create separate columns for these information and select using columns operations. Avoid string processing because it kills performance.
15 years ago
select * from table x where instr('1', substr(4,1)||substr(7,1)||substr(...blabla...)) != 0
15 years ago
Perhaps the old projects used an older version of jdk. Try to see that in the properties of the project, in the library section if the platform is configured right. Or drop the old platform configuration and use the default one.
15 years ago

Jan Kwiatkowski wrote:without clause implements it doesn't work properly when I want to Drag&Drop nodes in this JTree

that's because the tree need to save the status of the nodes, and for that the model should be marked as persistable, and that's done by using marker interface Serializable

Jan Kwiatkowski wrote:Can it seriously affect the performance of my application?


Jan Kwiatkowski wrote:Or even: Does adding clause implements Serializable changes anything?

Explained first what is changed, without Serializable the model does not know that he can perisist the model
15 years ago

bryan lim wrote:i would suggest that you use netbean for javafx. do use the latest version. it has better support than eclipse for now.

6.7.1 to be more specific, that is not so obvious from netbeans site
15 years ago
As stated before, there's no OS specific here. Getting the source file is a matter of classpath. So you should first get a variable path ( fporject folder, execution folder, etc) and from there add suffixes to your file.
15 years ago
You use com.sun.jndi.cosnaming.CNCtxFactory as JNDI implementation. I am not sure but I think that every server has it's own implementation on JNDI. So you probably should look for your JNDI provider of your server. I am not sure about, but I know that ENC is not standardized (yet!).

Hope it works, I never run it. Just to have an idea.
15 years ago
Thought one question more. You said you have created an web project which contains the code you have shown us.
But do you have a main inside a web app? It seems more that you created a desktop client of ejb, in which case you have to use @Remote interface not @Local.
I was thinking on the same solution as Rob Prime stated before. But there is a problem with that solution - pinging all the possible hosts based on IP.
I wonder that is possible the have in the same LAN different IP classes, I think yes but I am not sure. If it's true than the ping solution must be extended somehow.
If the lists are not ordered you should reinitialize iterator of the inner list inside of the loop of the outer list.
As a sample you put line before the line .
If the lists are ordered you can try to pass once through both lists and advance at every step into the list which has smaller current element.
15 years ago
If you use a Sun container and you have a local interface for the session bean, the Sun container don't create JNDI binding for local sessions. If that's the case you must add a ejb reference into web application to point to your session bean.
Something like <ejb-ref>... you manage it.
The error message is self explanatory. There is some other process which is still alive and use 8080 port.
Try to find if these processes. You can use netstat. Or you find other java processes and kill them. If you work on Linux you should search also for processes like jsvc.
@Srikanthh Ar
The message is a normal web server response when it did not managed to find you a page for that address. So, there is an old instance of jboss out there.
15 years ago

jarek notgonnashare wrote:I can get/list all IP addresses of machines I am connection to via LAN

I am afraid that I don't understood well your question.

A. Do you want to know the IP addresses of the machines from the same LAN?
B. Do you want to know all the IP addresses of a system to which you have a remote connection?

For both, there's no standard API in JDK.
The only thing you have in JDK is NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces() which give you an array of network interfaces (cards). Every one can list its own IP addresses.
The other Java native ways I don't know.