amit punekar

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Recent posts by amit punekar

Google search and some more drilling down yielded this Message broker CMP API reference

9 years ago
Apologies for delayed response. I have not been looking at this very actively hence the delay.

Thank you for the information. I took a look at the solr.log file, however it does not log anything when I run my client program. Hence I believe it is something prior to it in the chain that is causing this issue.

The HTML output that I get has "Problem accessing /solr/select" . In addition to this I see following exception stack in the eclipse console.

I am planning to take a look at these Solr classes to see if I can figure out anything. Regardless, now I plan to use the default "examples" directory.

Thank you for your time once again,


Thank you and appreciate your detailed response.

However in my case, I had copied the "examples" directory and starting the Solr server from the copied directory. This seems to be the reason I am not able to access it through SolrJ client.
As soon as I tried using the Solr Server started from within "examples" directory, everything is running successfully.

I thought I could do this in a manner similar to Struts that used to provide "struts-blank.war" with a bare skeleton. It seems we cannot do this with Solr. However I would still like to understand how we can start the solr server from custom directory as putting my cores in "examples" may not be the right way to do for any application.

Thank you once again for your response.

I am trying to write a simple Solr client using SolrJ APIs and as per the example given on the wiki page.

However whenever I try to run this I get the following error

Based on various blogs, it seems this is the way to interact with Solr using Java library. However I am not able to understand why API try to use a URL which is not available.

Please note that I am starting my local Solr installation using "java -jar start.jar" which would use jetty container by default.

Appreciate your responses.

Dear Author,
Thank you very much for the response. After reading these few posts and preview chapter, I will surely make it a try to introduce Python to my son.

Appreciate your response.

9 years ago
Dear Author,
What a coincidence !! Yesterday my son was asking me how it would be to learn python. I have never explored Python so I could not answer the question. He is a 4th grader and had been introduced to Scratch in his class.
Would it be a good idea to introduce him to Python at this stage or wait for some more time ? He was going through a HTML class on Khan academy and seems he was impressed as it involved Graphics. Does python also have similar things with which kids can feel more engaged and have fun learning to program.

9 years ago

With Storm, you can act on those tweets as a stream of data and start immediately detecting trending topics as you are working with the stream in real time rather than as a batch

If I am getting this right, we would need to store the trends ( which would be always intermediate) somewhere ? Do we store these in HDFS or some other type of storage ?
I am viewing this response with the reference to my earlier question asked but this answer provided me more insight hence putting down the question here.

Hello Authors,
As far as I understand, there are at least 3 cluster computing frameworks Apache has released - Hadoop, Spark and Storm.
Could you please help understand which use cases would better fit in Storm comparing to Hadoop and Spark ?
There is another one, "Giraph", but per my understanding it is best for Graph processing ( never used it though).

Any chance of using JNDI ? I mean binding QueueManager in a JNDI tree and then looking it up when required.

9 years ago
IMO, using hibernate to only address changing database problem is overkill. I would use some other lightweight framework like Spring JDBC Template and iBatis ( not sure if its being updated anymore).

Unless you are building a product I do not think we have to be concerned about backend database changing too often.



I am not sure if I understand this in full detail but looking at some documents, it seems that its a schema .

Try prefixing schema name like below

If I understand your question right then could you tell me why would you use Hibernate to retrieve data from database ? why not plain JDBC and ResultSet/SQL ?

IMO, this is just a display requirement.
Why can't you just query the database with order by Primary key and then display whichever way you like (JSP or whatever you are using at your end? )
