I'm supposed to write a loop that initializes the second row to store integers starting with 2 and incrementing by 3 for each element in the row.
So the second row would have integers 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17.
Campbell Ritchie wrote:
Why + 1? That looks like a mistake.Clivant Yeo wrote:. . .
Loop number of times equal to midpoint + 1.
Maintain two counters:
. . .
If first counter == second counter, break out of the loop.
You don’t need two counters. Only one.
If you use the correct values to count to, there is no need for the break. In fact, using break might introduce an out-by-one error, but I am not certain on that point. Depends how you use it.
What is a HTTP multipart request?
Where it can be used?
I heard that servlets and JSP are losing their popularity for backend development and people more using .NET for websites
Mobile is a growing area, but web will also be in demand -- especially mobile web.