rose deng

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since Dec 29, 2000
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Recent posts by rose deng

Our current implementation is to use methods of String to get systemId from xml string. anyone know how to use API of sax parser to get systemId for a xml string?
Thanks for your suggestion.

How to show external system in sequence diagram? I don't find answer in distilled UML book.

Thanks for your answer.

Do you show value object such as FlightVO, iteneraryVO in component diagram? In Cade's case study, he doesn't show value object in component diagram, but show them in sequence diagram.

Would like to hear your opinion.

My design decision for unpaid itenerary is put them in a stateful session bean 'shopping cart'. In the case the user close the browser or session time out before user pay the itenerary, then we need to change the reserved seat status back to available.

How to deal with this? My thinking is put those logic in ejbRemove, but seems not very good, since it's hard to handle the senario when the update seat status failed.

Would like to hear your opinion. Thanks.

I use separate business delegate for web client and rich client. My question is in component diagram, i should put rich client's business delegate in which tier ? I think should put into client tier.

Would like to hear your opinion.
Hi, shonkho:

Thanks for your reply.

Could you please tell me what do you mean by role based sign on?

In class diagram, is it necessary to show message for dependancy relationship?

Would like to hear your opinion.

should include application service classes in class diagram, such as searchProcessor, customerManager, etc.

in Mark Cade's study guide, he add those classes in class diagram, and he also uses stereotype.

Would like to hear your opinion.

Seems don't think authorization handle is necessary. Since both customer and travel agent can do same thing.


How many jsps you show on component diagram? One jsp for a use case or one jsp for a screen?

Thanks for the answer.

Does it make sense to have following assumption: can not change the itenerary after it is paid.

Lots of thanks for your opinion.
Hi, for class diagram, i think better not to put tag such as StatelessSessionBean, to make it technology neutral. Please share your opinion. thanks.

Seems i'm told by people in this forum that there is a couple of place to download the book freely.

Anybody who did that please show me the link, thanks.

Now i'm doing the part II. Before jump into the assignment, i want to reade mark cade's case study, since this is strongly recommended by guru from this forum.

Anybody know where to get free download for the book.

Huge thanks.
As far as i know, & and < are special characters for xml. so we need to escape those two characters to make the string be well-formed xml string.
& is easy to handle, just encode it to & ;.afer validation or transformation, decode it back.
My question is how to encode < sign in element value, seems can not just encode it to < ;, since it's hard to differieciated less than sign from open tag
If you have solution, share with me please.
Huge thanks.
21 years ago