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since May 24, 2004
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Your are correct just to add on this.
We don't directly deal with the EJB we play around with handle of entity.

There is only one entity and multiple client invoking this with different Component interface handle.
This is Obvious that we cannot have more then one lock on DB row.
Client in transaction with one method..Other client cannot get the lock on DB row until.. previous client finished. So he need to wait or else timeout.
This is upto the Container.
There is no Specification given in EJB2.0
One Way is to use MDB here.
Once you are done with the work. Send the id back and put the request for MDB to do further processing.
This way you need to to run ur login in separte Transaction
Generate your code again and try again.
Even i got the same problem when initially!!!
Make the developer aware of the J2EE Desing patter.. in different layes.

Intergration layer.

keep the Project specific reusable code in common place..and share the Learings.

Your are right to some extent..
Simple answer is ITS EJB Specification.
if we shift all mehtod to home.. then we are losing the extensibily of the framework.
We are making this more complex desing if we put this in Home interface.
This is debatable...