Benjamin Hill

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since May 25, 2004
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You could check out JBoss;

20 years ago
Currently I'm implementing a custom authentication mechanism for Tomcat and I'd like to be able to use part custom / part container methods.

I'd like to authenticate a user myself, then use the container to perform request.isUserInRole("foo") method calls based upon the "subject" I create in the authentication phase.

After looking at the Catalina source, it seems that the container uses the current realm to authenticate a user, and creates a GenericPrincipal encapsulating the user's username, roles etc. It is then seeming added to a org.apache.catalina.Session as a "note".

I have implemented a JAAS login module etc to perform this authentication, and I am producing a Subject. I wondered is there was anything I could do to this Subject to "store" it in Tomcat to allow the container to know about it.
20 years ago