lusha tak

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Recent posts by lusha tak

Thanks Jeanne for sharing your thoughts
14 years ago
Thanks Deepak again for your thoughtful inputs. I am not very keen on full time position as I feel it will come in my work-life balance. I am a married woman and far too often i have obeserved my female colleagues are torn between home and work responsibilties which often leads to unrequired stress in life. If possible i would like to avoid it. I am just trying to explore all career options at this stage before i commit myself to something. SCEA being one of them. I hope i will soon find my way out of this confusion.

14 years ago
Thanks Deepak for sharing your thoughts. Yes i am from India and at the moment trying to indentify what that niche area can be. I personally feel more comfortable with this approach rather than being all over the place. From your post it looks like SCEA is also too broad in your opinion. isnt it? any inputs on what niche area i can pick looking at my background and skill set so far.

Thanks Jimmy for the link.

14 years ago
I have over 9 yrs of exp in IT industry in various roles ( from May june 2000 to April 2009) - from java developer, team lead, project lead, onsite offshore coordinator, business analyst to project manager. I am PMP certified Project Manager and have also cleared SCJP and SCWCD exams, though scattered over all these years.Last year i decided to take break from work and pursue things i always wanted to such as photography, cooking, travel, and other such stuff. Now i feel like coming back to work, however since i will have to start fresh in the sense i have been out of it for almost a year I am thinking of pursuing SCEA first and then enter market (as when i look back i enjoyed my work the most when i was hands on with development or was involved in analysis and design. definitely way more than when i was a project manager). however i will still not prefer to do typical 9 to 7 job and may be rather do some consultancy work on part time basis with small or medium size companies or may be some free lance work over the interet. Does such opportunities exist in today's job market? also will i be able to get good grasp of techincal concepts by studying for SCEA. I have done only very limited techincally challenging work in my overall IT career so far.

Please share your thoughts and advice.


14 years ago
Many Congrats

Please do share your journey of becoming SCEA. How long it took you? what study material did you follow? This will help many other javaranchers ike me. Thanks!

15 years ago

Whether to do MBA or not entirely depends on you, if you're inclined towards management. If you're only technically inclined -- then it might make sense to go for SCEA or similar.

But a practical suggestion after working in Indian Software industry for 9 years -- whatever you do, please do it with a job. Indian employers/HR are highly prejudiced guys -- they do not take break in career lightly, especially if you are a man.

take a job as PM/PL/TL and you can do part time MBA fro premier institutes such as Symbiosis, Welingkar, Jamanalal Bajaj or one closer to your place. Or do SCEA or something similar if you want to stay in technical line.

Any particular reason you say so? I have over 8 yrs of exp in IT and currently working as PM with a very big firm. Pay package is good but I hate the work. Its mostly coordination with different teams etc. I am a certified PMP. Its one thing that I feel that my Project management knowledge is under utilized here. another reason of discontentment is I like working at stuff which is analytical in nature and requires thoroughness. Here its mostly about talking to people and passing on the buck. I do not feel its all worth it. I have been out of touch with technology for 2 -3 yrs now. Thats the reason i am also not able to land myself a job which is more technical in nature. But i strongly feel about getting back to technical side. I find it hard to do it besides regular 9 to 6 job as it takes away most of my time and does not leave me with energy to pursue something on consistent basis. I am seriously considering resigning and updating my java j2ee knowledge for next 3 - 6 months. Before i take that step, I need fellow java ranchers view on what they feel about it. Am i taking a big risk? please share your opinion....thanks!
16 years ago
Thanks shiv, I have checked my PM and have sent a reply back...
16 years ago
I have been out of touch with technology for 3 - 4 years now.And the way things are done have evolved quite a bit. I feel the need to upgrade my skills and then enter into job market in a more technical role. Doing it besides a full time job is oing to be a huge challenge and may be after a while i will drift away again due to urgent demands at work and family/social front. So thought of taking a break say 3 months or so....
16 years ago
Thanks Arulk.
No it does not happen very often but very fact these question gets asked in HR round for probably salary negotiation purpose is making me wonder wheter a gap of say 3-4 months will put me in disadvantage ? dows HR now a days have an open mind?
16 years ago
Thanks Shiv for [your] promt reply. Its encouraging. I too feel the same way and that is the reason i dare think of taking such a step if it does not work out for me in current organisation .

Do you think employer now a days do have such an open mind particlularly in Indian scenario?

Sometimes i am amused by employers getting into details such as gap during education or percenatges at secondary and senior secondary level after having so many years of experiece with proven track record :roll:

[HENRY: Deleted unnecessary code tags -- which were just used to circumvent the word checker]
[ November 02, 2008: Message edited by: Henry Wong ]
16 years ago
No Not for package. Its purely about the work i should be able to enjoy! I think i am quite satisfied with cutrent earnings and i dont have too many wants anyway!
16 years ago
Hi, I have over 8 yrs of experience working in IT and currently working as Project Manager with a global brand. Back in 2000 when I started out as a java programmer, i purused this path for 3 to 4 years and in 2004 i was given Team lead role and with each passing year I kind of started drifting away from technology and got more in coordination and management aspect of software development process. While I can safely say I am decent in my current resposnibility as project manager(also PMP certified).
I dont enjoy it as much and am looking at opportunity to get more involved in the technical aspect and pursue technical architecting as a career path.

I am trying to explore opportnities within the current organisation to take up a techno manager profile to begin with. In last one month I have done a bit of self study to brush up my J2ee knowledge. I have manage to pass SCWCD and now preparing for SCBCD. In case I am not able to find a good opening matching my skill set in current organisation,
I might consider leaving rather than sticking with a profile I dont enjoy. And foucs on further updating my skills such as learning about web services, SOA, Design patterns and emerging technologies e.g. spring , hibernate etc...

However i am not sure whether a break taken from work to update your skills is looked upon as a negative by future hirers or is it acceptable?
Anybody will like to share their perspective?
[ November 02, 2008: Message edited by: lusha tak ]
16 years ago
I was trying to come up with my list..
1) Lose weight
2) Achieve better energy/fitness levels. Particpate in some sort of sport activities
3) Improve upon my english communication skills
4) Take up photography/sketching course for beginers

what does the list look like for you?
18 years ago
I have written a nested query. when i run this query using prepared statement, type 4 driver it takes alomst 15 minutes to run from java code whereas it takes only a second when run directly on sqlserver query analyzer. it is just this query in java code that is taking so much time. No problem at all with any other query in the same piece of code
what can be the reason ?

any ideas?
notes its very touching, very romantic and ofcourse a very nice movie.
19 years ago