paul wheaton

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since Dec 14, 1998
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paul wheaton currently moderates these forums:
Nuts about permaculture. Have helped a fair bit with the engineering/innovation of rocket stoves. Have built a lot of raised garden beds. I have a controversial position on light bulbs. And here is all the paul wheaton stuff.
paul wheaton patreon
paul wheaton book
We recorded a permaculture design course here a couple of years ago. And here is the information about future courses.
Here's the paul wheaton permaculture podcast. paul wheaton ted talk and paul wheaton presentation
My new stuff:
free heat
wood oven
master gardener program
wood heat
solar food dehydrator
gardener gift
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Recent posts by paul wheaton

The new server arrived and is getting set up ...

3 months ago
Some of you have reported some server outages.  We are trying to hold things together with duct tape and baling wire for now ...
5 months ago

Piet Souris wrote:I like to donate as well, but I do not have a credit card. Is there any other way that I can use?

There are other ways to send in money, but it won't fiddle with devaka's money counting thing-a-ma-bob.  

We used to accept crypto - but it the company that did that decided to keep all our cryptos and say "what crypto?"

6 months ago
This isn't a technical book. But it's written by Paul so it deserves a thread here.


Authors - Paul Wheaton and Shawn Klassen-Koop
illustrator - Tracy Wandling

From the Introduction,
"For nearly every global problem, there are solutions we can implement in our backyard that also save us money and help us live more luxuriant lives. A few of us do these things and bask in the glow of the opulence and extra cash. Others observe and think “I want extra luxury and money too! Not fair!” and then they emulate. And on and on it goes. Then the global problems sorta just dry up and blow away. That’s what this book is all about.

I think the reason we see so many people angry is because they authentically care. But they seem to get stuck at being angry. Some people spend a hundred hours a week for 20 years being angry and not much changes. But I think that if you spend a tiny fraction of that time doing the things mentioned in this book, your global positive impact will be a thousand times greater. ."

About the Authors
"Paul Wheaton is a giant doofus who is bonkers about permaculture. He won’t shut up about permaculture. On and on, every day . . . it’s annoying. He has gone so far as to make a 3-DVD set that is just about the earthworks for permaculture gardening. And not only did he make a 4-DVD set about rocket mass heaters, but he made ANOTHER 4-DVD set about rocket mass heaters. Why on earth do people need 8 DVDs about something so simple? If you think that is ridiculous, take a look at his 177 hours of video of a full Permaculture Design Course, and Appropriate Technology course. Then there’s the cards. Okay, the permaculture playing cards are pretty cool...

Shawn Klassen-Koop’s passion for building a better world grew from many years of working at a summer camp. This time inspired awe and wonder for the natural world through many hours camping in the woods, paddling on a lake, or sleeping under the stars. Seeking to solve world problems with clever thinking, Shawn decided to pursue computer engineering as a career, where he learned the importance of good design and strong critical thinking. In time he felt like modern technology was causing more problems than it was solving and started looking for a better way. "

Where to get it?

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podcast 435 - Better World Book - Wofati - Part 1

Related Threads
Sneak Peak at Paul and Shawn's Upcoming Book
Building a Better World in Your Backyard Press Kit
The Better World Book Kickstarter
Review of The Better World Book by Rosemary Hansen

Related Websites
Building a Better World Book
10 months ago
I like the idea of adding more features to the PIE stuff.  But first I need to understand the idea.
1 year ago