Originally posted by Linda Rising:
There are so many principles of XP or the other Agile Methods whose goal it is to get us to work well together. PP is probably at the top of that list. I'm not sure it's necessary to adopt this practice if it doesn't work well for you *and* if you communicate with your team members and do some kind of code review./.../
Originally posted by Rajesh:
Hi All,
I have a requirement based on the delivery of the JMS Message condition,
I have to commit another transaction. How enable transactions with JMS.
Originally posted by Kyle Brown:
IMHO, XML is a TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE idea for inter-layer communication. /.../ Yes, it's great for allowing programs to communicate with each other (when talking on a wire that is) but there's no good reason I can think of to ever use it instead of DTO's inside your program.
Originally posted by chuck keuper:
Here is the rest of the code from the entity test client main.
Originally posted by Si Soft:
hi ranchers,
i am running a stateful session bean, when i run the program, after constructor setSessionContext() is called two times and then ejbCreate() is called. when i again instantiates a session bean object, then setSessionContext() is called 3 times and then for further instances it is always called thrice.
so why setSessionContext() is behaving lie this.
Originally posted by Bhagyashree Jayaram:
Yes you need to add the ejb-ref for the first ejb indicating a reference of the second ejb in the first ejb.
Originally posted by Ramakrishnan thiyagarajan:
U should import javax.rmi.* bcos in EJB1.1 supports rmi-iiop protocol it does not allow casting.actually corba supports rmi-iiop protocol.
Originally posted by Douglas Kent:
InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
java.lang.Object ref = ctx.lookup("MySessionEJB");
Originally posted by Nagesh Babu Sunkara:
Hey all,
how do we achieve internationalization in java without struts.
Originally posted by Lasse Koskela:
There's no doubt that HTTP is less than perfect, but it's good enough to support most of what we need and because it's so ubiquitous, there's little reason not to use it.