Tony Schmidt

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since Jun 01, 2004
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Recent posts by Tony Schmidt

I was wondering if there are any suggestions on what books out there are good to use to study for the Sun Certified Developer for Java Web Services exam.

Let me apologise first if I've posted in the wrong forum.

17 years ago
I'm Guessing that the SAP Netweaver Development studio is an expensive piece of software? This library is proprietary is it not?
17 years ago

I have a problem - I hope you can help. I need to do a force garbage collection for a particular application I support every day because there is a problem in the code which causes the Oracle Error: Maximum connections exceeded. Doing a force garbage collection helps clear these connections. What I want to do is run a Cron job calling the command-line command to force garbage collection - but I'm having a hard time finding this - if it exists at all. Could anyone help me out? (I know getting the developers to write better would solve this issue - but as a support analyst - I have to provide an uninterrupted service whilst the developers pin point where they are not closing database connections properly).
19 years ago