Priyadarshini Anand

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since Jun 02, 2004
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I want to display only distinct name of child nodes in first column of Table but want to display all values for each node in second column.That is, the xml given contains two hostName nodes, i want in first column rowspan will be two for host name and both the values of host name will be printed in second column in two rows. Roght now, i am getting two rows like this:

hostName dlsun
hostName isun

i want like this

xml :


pl help me.

[ August 16, 2004: Message edited by: Priyadarshini Anand ]
What i need to do to configure MIME type on my server ? I am new ti these things. Please dont be irritated if i am asking any silly question ?

-- Priya
[ July 30, 2004: Message edited by: Priyadarshini Anand ]
It is really very sad for me to know that my project will not work on netscape and mozilla.If anyone can help me to solve the issue any how, it will be really great for me.
I have to use the same server and i have to run the xml and xsl files. Server is not supporting the text/xsl type.I can not view the files on mozilla and netscape. Now what i should change in my xml/ xsl file.
Hi all,

I wrote a xsl file and put it on server. Now xml files are displayed in html format using the xsl file. The problem is, files are displayed on Internet explorer but not displayed on mozilla and netscape.
the error shown is :

Error loading stylesheet: (null)http://......./demo1/directoryInfo.xsl

Where am I going wrong ? What changes i should do in xml or xsl file ?
we are including style sheet in xml files in this way :

In style sheet the output is html files as follows :

pl help me.


[ July 30, 2004: Message edited by: Priyadarshini Anand ]
[ July 30, 2004: Message edited by: Priyadarshini Anand ]
Balaji my problem is solved with the example u send.Thanks again.
Thanks Balaji and william for making me correct.Thanks Balaji for links.

I got the solution , using <pre> we can display.

I want to display value of description in the same format as it is in xml.
I am using xsl to display xml.Otherwise we use <xsl: value-of select="description" />. But in this case what I should use ?

pl help me.


Line Event Result Details Time

42 start run run A_Uitests 00:00:00
51 System Msg: --- set synchronization_timeout : 900000:00:00
55 System Msg: --- set delay_msec : 50000:00:00
56 System Msg: --- set cs_fail : 0 00:00:00
57 System Msg: --- set drop_sync_timeout : off00:00:00
207 property check pass Browser Main Window:class00:00:20
69 tl_step --- Step: Identification Type, Status: Pass, Description: Trading Partner Identification Type MyIdentification Type successfully created.00:00:44
663 stop run pass A_Uitests 00:00:49

-----------------------Error code 3049-----------------------



Even i am trying uix, it is better in the sense to design front end, as we have rich set of components like tree, train, switcher etc. but event handling, data binding, partial rendering etc are very difficult topics for me to understand though if u really spend time and once get the idea of these, u can design better applications in uix than in jsp. Morever, u can integrate jsp in uix page. so where u r not able to use uix include jsp and solve the problem, as i saw my collegs are doing like that.

I am trying with following code, where i am wrong :

Document doc = parseXmlFile("testReport.xml", false);
Element passelement = (Element)doc.getElementsByTagName("passCount");
Element failelement = (Element)doc.getElementsByTagName("failCount");
Text passtext = (Text)passelement.getFirstChild();
String passstring = passtext.getData();
Text failtext = (Text)failelement.getFirstChild();
String failstring = failtext.getData();

pl help me.

Hi ,

if i pass the following xml file as input , i need to retrieve the value of passCount and failCount in my java program. I am new to the concepts of DOM and SAX. please guide me how to proceed to solve the problem.

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<?xml-stylesheet type='text/xsl' href='testReport.xsl'?>
<TestReport xmlns="http://ora/tia/fw/b2b/xmlmodel/testreport">

Hello Madhav & Balaji,

Here is the XML and XSL to display that XML, I can display XML only if I remove xmlns attributes and also the prefixes ns1,ns2,ns3��

Point to be noted :

I think ,I should not declare the namespace in stylesheet because :

There are many TestCaseReport nodes in TestReport because of that reason i am using for-each block in xsl. so, in each TestCaseReport, we have many different namespaces and also different prefix ns1,ns4, ns7...
Morever, we have many xml files,that are displayed using same xsl located at one place.Each xml has different namespaces and different number of TestCaseReport nodes and different prefixes ns,ns2,ns4...

Though, whatever the namespace and prefix, i just want to display values of nodes and attributes.So, how i will arrange the things dynamically.I am also attaching madhav reply I got last time at the end which is very relevent to the problem.


Madhav Reply is as follows :


The output will be something like this:

Thanks, I will study & then approach u.

I have a XML file in a directory 'A' displayed by XSL file.Now, I need to do some coding in java so that XSL
1. display the name of all the subdirectories of A that contain a xml file with the same name as the subdirectory has.
2. display all the XML files in directory A that contain node<passcount> and <failcount> anywhere in XML.

How to integrate XSL and java, what things i need to study.
