Roger Chang

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since Jun 07, 2004
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Hi all,

I would like to know where should i put all my assumptions?
And, is there any sort of standard i can follow when writing
notes & assumptions and in what format? Paste under pics or
use additional HTML??

Thanks in advance
Well, i think the FFMS can be updated from web based method call

One may use a SLSB with DAO that calls FFMS via HTTPConnection and parse
HTML that returned from FFMS to tell if update is successful.

This approach provides possible replacement of FFMS laster (DAO can be
easily plug-in). This DAO somehow simulates the behavior of transaction
propagation(possible with security context propagation as well)....that
is, if returned HTML is a failure page, transaction
roll back otherwise commit. Major drawback is, one has to hard code the
return HTML....well, I know this approach is pretty stupid, but it works..

As for the webservice endpoint, I am not sure about the EJB specification
version supposed to be used in SCEA... ... are we going too far if using
EJB 2.1?...

Any comments?

There are a few issues involved...i am confusing tooooooo...
Maybe i go too far

My assumption:

1) Mile System must be updatable.
2) We cannot touch FFMS source code but have to interface it, hence, webservice is not feasiable.
3) Transaction context must be somehow propagated to FFMS.

The only way i can think about is to use HTTPConnection and get
response back... Tell if transaction over the other end is successful
based on return HTML... then commit/rollback transaction in EJB according..

Any comments??
Dear all,

Does anyone know how to control transaction propagation from EJB to
a legacy System with web interface, say perl, cgi.... since I dont
want to replicate business logic that has been written in the existing

Using HTTPConnection does not address the transaction propagation problem..
..... get stuck!!!

