Himanshu Babuni

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since Jun 07, 2004
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Recent posts by Himanshu Babuni


I am trying to do some prototype on "Scheduling jobs using Quartz or Timer"
I refered the spring reference Chapter 22. Scheduling jobs using Quartz or Timer,but could not.

Can anyone please guide me how to proceed or send me some code.
Mail id : [email protected]

Its really very very urgent for me.

With Advance Thanks,
I am new to SWF.
I am able to inject the datasource through Spring DI(IOC) and its working fine. My doubt is how to get the servletContext inside my action class.

My requirement is I want to load some data from the Database(only once) when the server starts(Tomcat) and it should be placed globally so that all my action classes can access the same data.

Please look into the below code.

public class TestAction extends FormAction
private JdbcDataSource jdbcDataSource;

public TestAction (JdbcDataSource jdbcDataSource) {
this.jdbcDataSource = jdbcDataSource;

public Event getLinks(RequestContext req){
// How to get ServletContext from org.springframework.webflow.RequestContext object.
return success();

Really waiting for your replies.

Advance Thanx.
I read one Q and Ans from the jGuru site.

Question : How is Stateful Session bean maintain their states with client?

Some part of the Answers :
By Manjula Gundluri => passivate the state into HARDDISK .
By Vadiraj A => restore the state from the SECONDARY STORAGE.

My doubt is when ejbPassivate() is called the necessary informations for that state will be stored in the secondary storage or it will be in the stack ?

If it is in secondary storage(HDD) container is handling that or container is delegating to OS ?

If it is in the stack is there any chance that OS will swap this data to HDD.(Virtual memory concept)?

Can anyone clarify my doubt pls.

Thanx in Advance.
I am using session facade.All my logic is in a separate file lets called logic class.If i will declare my methods are static methods in this class then in the multithreaded environment how it will behave?My doubt is when clients call my methods through stateless session bean is there any problem ?

Can anyone clarify my doubt.
Thanx in Advanced .

[ June 15, 2004: Message edited by: Himanshu Babuni ]

[ June 15, 2004: Message edited by: Himanshu Babuni ]
[ June 15, 2004: Message edited by: Himanshu Babuni ]