Pankaj Narang

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since Jun 07, 2004
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Recent posts by Pankaj Narang

hi all

Can any body give some links for developing web services tutorials step by step.i am using JBOSS server.

plz. help me, and send some links on web services devlopment step by step

Thanks in Advance
20 years ago
hi ALL
Can we read/write a file from/to a shared directory (can be on local
machine or remote machine) from an EJB

If yes How to do this, any supported link ,tutorials?

Thanks in advnace

Pankaj Narang
Hi chris

here is the short summary of my resume, if u send me the id i wills end u the detailed one.

Dear Sir/Madam

From a varied career in the IT industry; I would like to highlight the following relevant skills and experience:

•More than 2.0 years of experience in design and development of various applications using J2EE and other Java related technologies.
•Presently working in Cressanda Solutions ,Delhi.
•Understanding of Struts framework and Model-View-Controller architecture .
•Good hands on SQL.
•Experience of enterprise application development (Servlets, JSP, Struts,EJB).
•Good customer facing skills.
•Good communication skills.

Mail Id : [email protected]

Phone : 9818419298
I am presently working INDIA and can relocate myself
Yours sincerely

Pankaj Narang
20 years ago
hi flecha

Logic:iterate only works on collection objects other than string , i mean the collection of objects which have properties defined in them(setter and getter method in them) because you can only use bean:write tag to display the values in the collection which requires property tag.

best Regards
20 years ago
Hi all

There is only one create method in statelees session bean, that also with out parameters why? What is the main reason behind thes,

If i hae to pass a parameter to stateless session bean how i will pass .

i want a clear idea in this respect

Best Regards
Thanks , can u give me the link for struts documetation
20 years ago
Hi all

I have a problem,in passing multiple parameters in html:link tag.

Let me explain the scenario

I have three links in my jsp called Active,Inactive and Review with all these links i am passing a id which is commomn to all three and ia a bean property , i want to pass a character "a" with Active , "I" with inactive and "R" with review link.

I am using only the taglibs so plz. do not sugest me to write scriplets in my jsp code , I am avoiding to write scriplets in Jsp code.

Thanks In advance

Best Regards
20 years ago
Hi anand

You told the currentaddress is a radio button in PersonalProfile.jsp , if it is the radio button you will be getting the null value if it is not checked and the value if you checked that one try to see in your actio class what you are getting in this radio button value.If you are getinng the value right in your action class then we will see further what is the problem.

Best Regards
20 years ago
Hi sakthi

That is not much difficult task, you call a javascript function on click of the two buttons, and awritethe following code in the function

function gotoNext(chk)
if(chk =='update')
document.frm.X.action = /;

document.frm.X.action = /;



pass chk on click of the button ,
Best Regards
20 years ago
hi viki

It will be some what time consming but not much you first be clear with the architecture , in first 4 to 5 daysand then proceed to your project it will be easy for you then, because as you go deep into struts there are many things to learn, but they will come as you go further.

Best regards
20 years ago
is it working now .
If working fine than its ok other wise let me give one more simple way to do this a very simple way.

Have you heard about diaplay taglib , you can use this tag library in this case very efectively.

If your problemis solved it is wel and good otherwise let me tel you the display taglib way of doing this it is just two line of code to do this iteration.

Best regards
20 years ago
you wont have a getter setter fo registros in your foembean whcih you using for this request then how you are using bean efine, you ahould have the getter setter in you form bean for registros .

Best regards
20 years ago
Hi flecha

What is the doubt know,

be clear in you question

The no. is 91-9818418298
20 years ago
hi flecha

Now i think you are clear if you are not your just send me the code of your form bean and also the code of the class os the objects you are getting in the collection

or call me if you want more clarification

Best Regards

20 years ago