pavanasree vasireddy

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since Jun 12, 2004
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Recent posts by pavanasree vasireddy


Thanks for the reply,

Can't i use format attribute of the struts tag <bean:write>

I have to display the value which is 5 as 05
19 years ago

I am experiencing an issue using format attribute in the <bean:write> tag

I have property which is of type integer. In the jsp page i want to display

the value like 01.. 02 .. 03 if the the value is less than 10..

How do i use format attribute of bean: write to display the value in the proper formate...

Any help.. appreciated..

Thanks in advance

Pavana Sree
19 years ago
Thanks for the advice.

I have already set it like that ..

I have set the height:150px scroll=auto

This is working fine if i have records to be displayed for the specified height. The case is when we have only one record or two records... the rest of the height specified is displayed as blank ......

I wanted to reduce the height when there are less no of records and fix it to 150px height if there are more no of records and let the users scroll down to see the rest of the records.

Pavana Sree.V

In my JSP i have a series of records. I have kept a scroll bar when no of records exceeds that limited display area. Now the issue is if there are no records or very few records that display area is shown as blank. I want the page to be adjusted with the no of records i have. that is if the display area is for 10 records it can be adjusted for 10 records or 2 records and should display a scroll bar if it exceeds 10 records.

Please give me suggestions

Any help is appreciated

Thanks and Regards.

Pavana sree.v

I want to use a Jboss server running on a different system in the LAN. i have a client program which connects to the jboss server on a different system. If i have to use change the initialcontext parameters please let me know how to do it.. Please let me know if there is any other way of doing it...

Any help is very much appreciated..

Thanks and regards,
19 years ago
can u please give me some example....

actually i need to execute a java code when this event occurs.

Presently i am writing a scriplet when this event is fired.... but the scriptlet is getting executed even when the function is not called.
hi all,

I am experiencing a problem regarding the window object.

In my program i am opening a window with statement. I am displaying some messages in that window.When i close that window i want to erase all the messages from the memory also. Do we have any eventListener that monitors when the Window is closed. I want to perform some operation when the window is closed.

Please help me out.

Thanks in advance.

I would like to send an object (for e.g javax.mail.Message object)from my server program to client program..Till now i have seen programs which send only text data....
pls tell me how to send objects..

let me know the possibilities.

thanks in advance.....

Pavana Sree.V

thanks for the reply

I could not get it properly . I am copying the code below. I have data in the OutputStream object which i want to write OutputStream object to a file.

OutputStream os=MimeUtility.encode(fos,"base64");
BufferedOutputStream bos1 = new BufferedOutputStream(os);

Any help is very much appreciated.

Pavana Sree V
19 years ago
hi all

I am stuck up with a problem. I have an OutputStream object. I would like to write that data into a file.

Please help me

Thanks in advance

Pavana Sree V
19 years ago

I am trying to connect to Mail Server through SSL connection.

My program gives the following error.

Exception in thread "main" javax.mail.MessagingException: Connect failed;
nested exception is: No trusted certificate found
at com.sun.mail.pop3.POP3Store.protocolConnect(
at javax.mail.Service.connect(
at explored.GetSSLMessageExample.main(

Some one please help me

19 years ago


Can you please give me some example?
19 years ago

Thanks for the reply.

As my application application is almost completed i can't go for tiles at this stage.

Can you please suggest me some other way to access application resources in html tags especially assigning values to the buttons?
19 years ago

Thanks for the solution. It worked out. But It says it is a deprecated. And I also have another issue regarding application resources.

I want to get the value of submit button from the application resources.

The following is giving me error:

<html:submit value="<bean:message key="int.add" />" />
19 years ago

Thanks for the reply. I am trying to use PropertyMessageResources class which is a subclass of MessageResources, but no success. Probably i am not using it properly. Code is as follows:

PropertyMessageResources pmr = (PropertyMessageResources)

String r=pmr.getMessage("int.back");

Application Resources is the name of the properties file.

It is not giving any error but returning null value.

Please let me know how to use it properly.

Thanks in advance.
19 years ago